"The truth is, decorative art is equipment, beautiful equipment," Le Corbusier, L'Art decoratif d'aujourd'hui This book traces the history of an encounter between a remarkable invention, half-industrial half-design object, and one of the most famous architects of the 20th century. Created in 1921, t[...]
"Architecture is experienced as one roams about in it and walks through it...So true is this that architectural works can be divided into dead and living ones depending on whether the law of 'roaming through' has not been observed or whether on the contrary it has been brilliantly obeyed." (Le Corbu[...]
Le Corbusiers buildings have long been part of the inalienable canon of 20th century architecture. But le Corbusiers work as a book designer and author is scarcely known, and has hitherto not been acknowledged a " Le Corbusier meticulously planned and realized over 40 books in his lifetime. Architec[...]
In Le Corbusier: Secret Photographer Tim Benton reflects on the famous architect's use of photography, starting with the young Charles-Edouard Jeanneret's attempts to take professional photographs during his travels in central Europe, the Balkans, Turkey, Greece, and Italy. While Le Corbusier always[...]
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an e[...]
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an e[...]
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an e[...]
This exceptional Complete Works edition documents the enormous spectrum in the oeuvre of one of the most influential architects of the 20th Century. Published between 1929 and 1970, in close collaboration with Le Corbusier himself, and frequently reprinted ever since, the eight volumes comprise an e[...]
This book tells the story of the little house Le Corbusier built 1923 near Vevey on the board of the Lake of Geneva for his mother. Written, photographed, illustrated and designed by Le Cobusier.[...]
Die acht Bande dieser auergewohnlichen Edition, die zwischen 1929 und 1970 veroffentlicht wurde und seitdem immer wieder nachgedruckt wurde, zeigen die groe Bandbreite des Werks von Le Corbusier. Sie dokumentieren das Werk des einflussreichsten Architekten des 20. Jahrhunderts. In direkter Zusammena[...]
Faksimile-Ausgabe eines Grundlagenwerkes der Architekturgeschichte von Le Corbusier.
in1952 Le Corbusier was commissioned "to dwell in the silence of men of prayer and study and to construct a church for them". The result was his impressive Convent of La Tourette, marking a significant step in modern religious architecture. Beginning with the rectangular form common to the Cirsterci[...]
A compact monograph on the famous Unite d'habitation in Marseille, a pioneering achievement in social housing,in the successful series "Guides Le Corbusier".[...]
Die kompromisslose klare Bauweise macht die 1931 fertig gestellte Villa Savoye von Le Corbusier zu einer unverwechselbaren Ikone in der Architektur des 20. Jahrhunderts. In diesem Guide wird sie anhand historischer Dokumente und neuer Aufnahmen sowohl dem Besucher vor Ort als auch dem architekturint[...]
Die in den zwanziger Jahren in und um Paris entstandenen Villen, unter ihnen Klassiker der Moderne wie die Villa La Roche-Jeanneret, die Villa Stein-de Monzie und die Villa Savoye in Poissy, wurden mit ihrer radikalen architektonischen Neuorientierung zu zentralen Bezugspunkten fur alle folgenden Ar[...]
Le Corbusier stellte der Weltoffentlichkeit sein Werk in seinen Vorlesungen dar. In den Auszugen, Notizen, Zeichnungen und auch Fotografien, die im Umfeld der Vorlesungen entstanden, zeigt sich die Moderne an der Arbeit. Im letzten Drittel des Buches folgt die Wiedergabe von funf zentralen Vorlesung[...]
In 2010, photographer Cemal Emden set out to document every building designed by the master architect Le Corbusier. Traveling through three continents, Emden photographed all the 52 buildings that remain standing. Each of these buildings is featured in the book and captured from multiple angles, wit[...]