Created by Jim Davis, the Garfield comic strip now appears in 2,570 journals worldwide and is read by some 263 million people around the globe, as recorded by Guinness World Records.[...]
Volume Twenty contains: Pocket Book 58 - Am I Bothered?, Pocket Book 59 - Time to Delegate and Pocket Book 60 - Numero Uno.[...]
A collection of 450 daily and Sunday comic strips.
On 19th June 1978, Garfield appeared on the comics pages for the first time, kicking off a career that went on to involve licensing, television, books, computer games, movies and much more. This work contains over 120 of Garfield's daily strips.[...]
Garfield isn't old - he's chronologically challenged, and over the years he's managed to expand his horizons as well as his waistline. This collection features over 450 full colour hilarious daily and Sunday comic strips.[...]
Containing instructions that show you how to draw Garfield, this title also shows you how to draw Garfield's friends Jon, Odie, Nermal, Arlene and the entire gang. It includes cartooning techniques.[...]
Garfield has long been considered a "classic" property because he has not only endured, but continues to be fresh and funny after over 30 years in the limelight. Part of the strip's broad appeal is due to its lack of social or political commentary, which was always Jim Davis's intention. Originall[...]
With over 35 years in the entertainment business, hit TV shows, over 135 million books sold worldwide, loads of merchandise and 13+ million fans on Facebook, Garfield's popularity continues to grow from strength to strength.[...]
Garfield på en ny måde. Nu i dansk udgave.
Garfield selv og Garfields replikker er fjernet fra en række af de klassiske striber - og tilbage står stakkels Harald endnu mere ensom og ynkelig i al sin tristesse[...]
Nyt farvealbum i den klassiske farvealbumserie.
Kissaherra Karvinen paljastaa keittokirjassaan neljäkymmentä suosikkireseptiään päivällisistä maittaviin arkiruokiin ja nopeatekoisista välipaloista jälkiruokiin. Aikaa ja energiaa ei tärvätä, kermaa ja voita sitäkin reilummin.[...]
Laiskanpulskea kissa hölmöilevine kumppaneineen seikkailee nyt kahdessa uudessa 3D-henkisessä sarjakuva-albumissa, joista kummassakin on kolme pientä tarinaa. Koko perheen hauskuttaja imaisee lennokkaaseen maailmaansa myös ne pojat ja tytöt, jotka eivät muuten jaksaisi viettää aikaa nenä k[...]
Maailman laiskin ja rakastetuin kissa seikkailee nyt kahdessa kolmen sarjakuvan yhteisniteessä. Mukana huseeraavat tietysti myös Osku ja Esko sekä vierailevat tähdet.[...]
"If Garfield ever lost weight, I'd lose my job security."
-Jim Davis
When the world's most famous feline hits the three-decade milestone it's time to celebrate 30 Years of Laughs & Lasagna is a tribute to this tremendous achievement. Organized by decade, each with an introduction by Jim Davi[...]
A robot can build a car. But a robot cannot buy a car ...The explosion in the development of computer- and robotic-based manufacturing is seeing the rapid expansion of laborless production systems. Such systems create enormous instability, both for the overall economy where money previously paid in [...]