Scout (Jean Louise Finch) has returned to Maycomb from New York to visit her father Atticus. She is forced to grapple with issues both personal and political as she tries to understand both her father's attitude toward society, and her own feelings about the place where she was born and spent her ch[...]
To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel by Harper Lee published in 1960. It was immediately successful, winning the Pulitzer Prize, and has become a classic of modern American literature. The plot and characters are loosely based on Lee's observations of her family, her neighbors and an event that occurred[...]
In this clear and detailed reading guide, we've done all the hard work for you!To Kill a Mockingbird is a tale of prejudice and injustice and calls into question the principles that once governed societies. It tells the story of Scout, a young girl who is exposed to the realities of the world and le[...]
Wie Mark Twain beschwört Harper Lee den Zauber und die versponnene Poesie einer Kindheit im tiefen Süden der Vereinigten Staaten. Die Geschwister Scout und Jem wachsen in einer Welt von Konflikten zu tolerant denkenden Menschen heran. Menschliche Güte und stiller Humor zeichnen diesen Roman aus, [...]
Handlingen foregår i en by i sørstatene i 30-årene. En sort mann er tiltalt for voldtekt av en hvit pike. Hans forsvarer har en vanskelig jobb. Gjennom barns øyne får vi et innblikk i de voksnes rasistiske og klassebevisste holdninger.[...]
Det har blivit femtiotal i småstaden Maycomb i Alabama. Den nu vuxna Jean Louise Finch ? eller Scout som hon kallas ? återvänder hem från New York för att besöka sin far, Atticus. Scout blir tvungen att brottas med såväl personliga som politiska frågor medan hon försöker förstå [...]
En barndomsskildring om rasism och fördomsfullhet i Alabama
Lilla nioåriga Scout växer upp i amerikanska Södern i en loj småstadsidyll, när ohyggliga och dramatiska händelser vänder upp och ner på livet och hennes föreställningar. En ung svart man blir anklagad för våldtäkt på [...]
En barndomsskildring om rasism och fördomsfullhet i Alabama.
Lilla nioåriga Scout växer upp i amerikanska Södern i en loj småstadsidyll, när ohyggliga och dramatiska händelser vänder upp och ner på livet och hennes föreställningar. En ung svart man blir anklagad för våldtäk[...]
Cultural history tends to elude positive definition. It deals in some sense with culture, and with history, combined in a creative and often critical analysis. But its strength and analytical potential is to be found in its slipperiness, in its critical attitude to authoritative categorization, and [...]
Kahdeksanvuotias Scout kasvaa isänsä ja veljensä kanssa 1930-luvun Alabamassa, Maycombin kaupungissa. Aurinkoiset kesäpäivät ovat täynnä sopivan kokoisia seikkailuja, ja Scout opettelee elämää pienin askelin. Mutta kaupungin uneliaan pinnan alla kytee patoutunutta vihaa.Scout on autuaan t[...]
The unforgettable novel of a childhood in a sleepy Southern town and the crisis of conscience that rocked it, To Kill A Mockingbird became both an instant bestseller and a critical success when it was first published in 1960. It went on to win the Pulitzer prize in 1961 and was later made into an Ac[...]
Part of a great new series of comprehensive and accessible encyclopedias on our favourite animals, this is your definitive guide to the cat. Discover the cat throughout history and culture, its anatomy, appearance and behaviour, and take in a wealth of practical advice on how to choose a cat, care, [...]