As a current record of all of C. G. Jung's publications in German and in English, this volume will replace the general bibliography published in 1979 as Volume 19 of the Collected Works of C. G. Jung. In the form of a checklist, this new volume records through 1990 the initial publication of each or[...]
Beginning with Jung's earliest correspondence to associates of the psychoanalytic period and ending shortly before his death, the 935 letters selected for these two volumes offer a running commentary on his creativity. The recipients of the letters include Mircea Eliade, Sigmund Freud, Esther Hardin[...]
Presents a collection of humorous stories, including "The Truth about George," "Ukridge's Dog College," "The Coming of Gowf," "The Purity of the Turf," and "A Slice of Life."[...]
This volume contains the two last works by HG Wells. Nearing the end of his life, increasingly distressed over the war, Wells deals with death and apocalypse, mortality and religion, and with "human insufficiency."
"Mind at the End of its Tether"
"One approaches it with awe. You come acr[...]
Observera att förlaget som ger ut denna produkt baserar innehållet i sina produkter på fria källor som Wikipedia. Boken är med stor sannolikhet endast ett utdrag ur dessa informationskällor, alltså inte en vanlig bok i den bemärkelsen.[...]
The Fun of Getting Thin: This is an entertaining and inspiring story about one man's "journey into fat" and how he was able to reverse that course and get back to his ideal weight. Written many years ago, it's fascinating to hear that people had the same struggles then as now with weight control and[...]
G.K.Chesterton (1874-1936), was one of the great Catholic writers of the twentieth century. He brought a distinctive Catholic perspective to scores of books and articles - even to the genre of detective novels in the famous Father Brown mysteries. As this collection shows, Chestertons writing cont[...]