The Selfish Gene caused a wave of excitement among biologists and the general public when it was first published in 1976. Its vivid rendering of a gene's eye view of life, in lucid prose, gathered together the strands of thought about the nature of natural selection into a conceptual framework with [...]
The Selfish Gene caused a wave of excitement among biologists and the general public when it was first published in 1976. Its vivid rendering of a gene's eye view of life, in lucid prose, gathered together the strands of thought about the nature of natural selection into a conceptual framework with [...]
Despite the theory's age, The Blind Watchmaker is as prescient and timely as ever. The watchmaker belongs to the eighteenth-century theologian, William Paley, who argued that just as a watch is too complicated and functional to have sprung into existence by accident, so too must all living things, w[...]
Despite the theory's age, "The Blind Watchmaker" is as prescient and timely as ever. The watchmaker belongs to the eighteenth-century theologian, William Paley, who argued that just as a watch is too complicated and functional to have sprung into existence by accident, so too must all living things,[...]
"The Selfish Gene" caused a wave of excitement among biologists and the general public when it was first published in 1976. Its vivid rendering of a gene's eye view of life, in lucid prose, gathered together the strands of thought about the nature of natural selection into a conceptual framework wit[...]
Despite the theory s age, "The Blind Watchmaker" is as prescient and timely as ever. The watchmaker belongs to the eighteenth-century theologian, William Paley, who argued that just as a watch is too complicated and functional to have sprung into existence by accident, so too must all living things,[...]
What is it like to be a preacher or rabbi who no longer believes in God? In this expanded and updated edition of their groundbreaking study, Daniel C. Dennett and Linda LaScola comprehensively and sensitively expose an inconvenient truth that religious institutions face in the new transparency of th[...]
In today's fast-paced world, it's tough to find the time to read. But with Joosr guides, you can get the key insights from bestselling non-fiction titles in less than 20 minutes. Whether you want to gain knowledge on the go or find the books you'll love, Joosr's brief and accessible eBook sum[...]
Aiming to lay bare the act of blatant state terrorism that is the invasion and occupation of Iraq, this book seeks to reveal the extraordinary tapestry of lies, distortions and gross media manipulation that underpin it. It looks at how public opinion is wilfully ignored and "democracy" used as a fig[...]
Presenting arguments for atheism, this audiobook adopts a scientific approach and applies it to the questions of religion, religious faith and the existence of God. The issues discussed include: morality, where it becomes extra-religious; and the fact that in some countries religion is an excuse for[...]
Takes on creationists, including followers of 'Intelligent Design' and all those who question the fact of evolution through natural selection. This title sifts through fascinating layers of scientific facts and disciplines to build a cast-iron case from the living examples of natural selection in bi[...]
Dr Jacob Bronowksi's "The Ascent of Man" traces the development of human society through our understanding of science. First published in 1973 to accompany the groundbreaking BBC television series, it is considered one of the first works of 'popular science', illuminating the historical and social c[...]
The writings of Richard Dawkins challenge Christians (and people of other faiths) to think more deeply about their beliefs and shake them out of any complacency. Christians need to hear some of the uncomfortable things he says and to know how to answer his alluring claims. Here is a robust and infor[...]
The river of Dawkins's title is a river of DNA, flowing through time from the beginning of life on earth to the present - and onwards. Dawkins explains that DNA must be thought of as the most sophisticated information system imaginable: 'Life is just bytes and bytes of information,' he writes. Us[...]
Der Evolutionsbiologe Richard Dawkins, einer der einflussreichsten Intellektuellen der Gegenwart, hat einen Bestseller geschrieben, der bestehende Weltbilder grunds?tzlich in Frage stellt. In diesem leidenschaftlichen Pl?doyer f?r die Vernunft zieht er gegen die Religion zu Felde: Der Glaube an eine[...]
Magi kommer i mange former. Våre forfedre forklarte verden med myter og overtro. Dette var før vi fikk vitenskapelige metoder til å gjøre det samme. Egypterne forklarte natten med at gudinnen Nut svelget solen. Vikingene trodde at regnbuen var gudenes bro til jorden. Japanerne forklarte jordskje[...]
Er kroppene våre bare overlevelsesmaskiner for genene? Knapt noen bok innen biologi har, siden Darwins Om artenes opprinnelse, vakt slik oppsikt som Dawkins' The Selfish Gene. Dette er boken som maktet å gjøre genteori og evolusjonsbiologi til folkelesning! Her kan du lese om livet på jorda se[...]
Gud er død! Richard Dawkins er en av verdens fremste vitenskapsmenn, i denne boken angriper han religion i alle dens former. En høyaktuell bok i en verden der religiøse ledere og bevegelser spiller en stadig større rolle i verdens konflikter. Med Darwinismen som våpen forklarer Richard Dawkin[...]
Tänk om någon sa: âDet romerska imperiet har aldrig funnits. Julius Ceasar är en påhittad figur. Franska, spanska och italienska härstammar inte från latinet utan uppstod fixa och färdiga, helt utan samband med varandra.â
Åt en sådan person skulle vi alla skratta. Men[...]
Tänk dig en värld där förmenta häxor och kätterska vetenskapsmän aldrig bränts på bål. En värld utan korståg och självmordsbombare. En värld där kvinnor inte tvingas till äktenskap eller könsstympning. Tänk dig en värld utan religion!Richard Dawkins, den framstående vetenskapsman[...]
Tänk dig en värld där förmenta häxor och kätterska vetenskapsmän aldrig bränts på bål. En värld utan korståg och självmordsbombare En värld där kvinnor inte tvingas till äktenskap eller könsstympning. Tänk dig en värld utan religion.
Biologen Richard Dawkins är förmod[...]