Research shows that by focusing their diet on 8 critical, nutrient-rich Superfoods - and eating as they normally would, but only within an 8-hour window each day - readers really can eat whatever they want, while losing weight faster than they ever imagined. The timing mechanism is such that it will[...]
A National Trust guidebook covering history, horticulture, garden history, history of art, architecture, social history, natural environment and conservation.[...]
Natural Area Tourism provides a comprehensive description of tourism in natural areas allowing readers to understand the scope of, complexities arising from, and possibilities of undertaking successful tourism developments in natural areas. Furthermore, the second edition contains an overview of rec[...]
With contributions from Homi Bhabha, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Will Hutton, Jurgen Habermas and Amartya Sen, among others, this dazzling compendium of some of the world's most prominent and diverse thinkers examines the question, 'What is the future of culture in the age of globalization?'. These essays[...]
Underpinned by a strong foundation of environmental understanding, this book covers all facets of tourism in natural areas. Ongoing management concerns are addressed, such as the monitoring of environmental change.[...]
Today?s society is faced with a multitude of compounding and inter-related socio-ecological challenges.In order to adequately navigate this ?sustainability challenge? and to capture the innovation opportunities that come with it,we need professionals from all sectors of society who can help plan,act[...]
Intervjuerna publicerades ursprungligen i Rocky nr. 2 2006 och nr. 4 2008 Få har revolutionerat seriekonsten så som Alan Moore och David Lloyd med sitt stilbildande verk V för Vendetta. I den nästan 300 sidor tjocka serieromanen får vi en skrämmande inblick i hur bräcklig människans frihe[...]
Intervjuerna publicerades ursprungligen i Rocky nr. 2 2006 och nr. 4 2008Få har revolutionerat seriekonsten så som Alan Moore och David Lloyd med sitt stilbildande verk V för Vendetta. I den nästan 300 sidor tjocka serieromanen får vi en skrämmande inblick i hur bräcklig människans frihet oc[...]