In the tradition of the greatest cyberpunk novels, "Blood Music" explores the imminent destruction of mankind and the fear of mass destruction by technological advancements. The novel follows present-day events in which the fears concerning the nuclear annihilation of the world subsided after the Co[...]
Perhaps it wasn't from our time, perhaps it wasn't even from our universe, but the arrival of the 300-kilometer long stone was the answer to humanity's desperate plea to end the threat of nuclear war. Inside the deep recesses of the stone lies Thistledown: the remnants of a human society, versed in [...]
Acute appendicitis is caused by inflammation of the vermiform appendix and usually causes pain in the right lower abdominal quadrant, referred rebound tenderness, overlying muscle spasm and cutaneous hyperesthesia. This disease is common and occurs with an annual incidence of 0.25 per cent in the no[...]
Eon's infinitely long artifical universe, the Way, contains a multitude of worlds. In its early days a beautiful place, Lamarckia, has been found. Over four thousand dissidents emigrate there illegally and the young Hexamon agent, Olmy, is sent to investigate the people and their new world. Lamarcki[...]
Vergil Ulam's breakthrough in genetic engineering is considered too dangerous for further research. Rather than destroy his work, he injects himself with his creation and walks out of his lab, unaware of just quite how his actions will change the world. Bear's treatment of the traditional tale of s[...]