During the first two decades of the nineteenth century, two of the most significant theoretical works on color since Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato della Pittura were written and published in Germany: Arthur Schopenhauer's On Vision and Colors and Philipp Otto Runge's Color Sphere. For Schopenhauer, v[...]
This little known work by the German pessimist and critic of Hegel was originally written as a doctoral dissertation when Schopenhauer was just 26. But it was later revised when the philosopher was 60. So important did he consider this work that he often underscored the fact that no one could hope t[...]
Collected here are fourty-two short essays, previously published as seven separate books, Councils and Maxims, On Human Nature, On Religion, Studies in Pessimism, The Art of Controversy, The Art of Literature, and The Wisdom of Life. This is the most complete collection available from the world reno[...]
Arthur Schopenhauer devoted his adult life to the articulation of a philosophy for the world, a philosophy that would benefit mankind by providing a solution to the riddle of existence. Often considered a thoroughgoing pessimist, Schopenhauer in fact advocated ways - via artistic, moral and ascetic [...]
Schopenhauer ist nicht nur ein Meister des Gedankens, sondern mindestens so des Wortes. Auch komplexeste Gedanken sind bei ihm unterhaltsame Prosa, die Lust macht, weiter und immer weiter zu lesen.[...]
Mit dem ber?hmten Satz ?Die Welt ist meine Vorstellung? beginnt Arthur Schopenhauers Hauptwerk, in dem er seine pessimistische Sinnsuche und Welterkl?rung, seinen ?einzigen Gedanken? grundlegend ausf?hrt. Diese Edition gibt wortgetreu den Text und die Abfolge der ?Ausgabe letzter Hand? wieder - f?r [...]
Wenn Schopenhauer, wie sein erster Monograph Wilhelm Gwinner berichtet, nicht wollte, "daà die äuÃeren Züge seines Lebens zu seinem Gedächtnisse ins Einzelne hinein verfolgt würden", wenn er also keine eigentliche Biographie über sich geschrieben zu sehen wünschte, weil "das [...]