In April, 2003, a company called Scaled Composites introduced SpaceShipOne to the world. SpaceShipOne chronicles the development of the world's first commercial manned space program-a program that includes an airborne launcher (the White Knight), a space ship (SpaceShipOne), rocket propulsion, avion[...]
Legendary science fiction writers - and citizen warriors - deliver science fiction military adventure tales on a grand scale. Asimov, Heinlein, Clarke, Laumer, Wolfe, and other greats. Giants of science fiction. Plus all new fiction by recent vets who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. Military ve[...]
A geometry able to include mountains and clouds now exists. I put it together in 1975, but of course it incorporates numerous pieces that have been around for a very long time. Like everything in science, this new geometry has very, very deep and long roots. Benoit B. Mandelbrot Introduction This en[...]
Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008) oli yksi maailman luetuimmista scifi-kirjailijoista. Hänen tuotantoaan on suomennettu runsaasti.
Amatööriastronomi havaitsee Maapalloa kohti kiitävän asteroidin. Uskonnolliset fanaatikot pitävät sitä Jumalan rangaistuksena. Kapteeni Singh lähetetään[...]