Read through the entire King James Bible in a year--and enjoy the classic prayer-themed writings along the way--with "The Andrew Murray 365-Day Devotional Bible." Each day's reading features an Old Testament passage, a New Testament passage, and a selection from the Psalms or Proverbs, plus an inspi[...]
In which street is the Diogenes Club? A Study in Pink is a problem deserving how many nicotine patches? Who is found dead in a locked chamber, with a poison dart above his ear? Which company employed a full-time secretary to answer Sherlock-related mail? What kind of creature swallowed the Blue Carb[...]
This new edition of the critically-acclaimed biography of Alexander Trocchi has been revised, extended and updated since its first publication in 1991 when it helped to create new interest in the celebrated - and notorious - author of Young Adam and Cain's Book. It was highly influential, led to the[...]
Drawings are the foundations of great fantasy art where concepts, thoughts, and inspirations first become an image. In Sketching from the Imagination: Fantasy, fifty talented traditional and digital artists have been chosen to share their sketchbook works and describe their artistic practices when f[...]
Mitä tapahtui Etelä-Afrikassa, kun pappisvihkimyksessään yllä olevan rukouksen lausunut mies eli elämänsä loppuun riippuen kiinni rukouksensa jokaisessa sanassa? Hänestä tuli aluksi 12 000 hajallaan elävän, vailla kaikkia kirkollisia siteitä olevan, jumalattoman siirtolaisen pappi. Hän[...]
Jumala odottaa meiltä vain yhtä uhrausta: kuuliaisuutta, sanoo Andrew Murray. Raamatun pohjalta hän selittää, miten voimme oppia kuuliaisuutta viipymällä Kristuksen seurassa ja olemalla täysin riippuvaisia hänestä.[...]
The construction process, right through from planning and design to use and demolition, has a major impact on society. Traditionally, concern has been focused on its environmental impact and the quest for sustainability, but this has now extended into the wider remit of Corporate Social Responsibili[...]
Now available in a mini format, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine, Ninth Edition continues to be the definitive pocket-friendly guide to medicine. The culmination over 25 years of experience at the bedside and in the community, this handbook is packed with practical advice, wit, and wisdom. <[...]
Now in its ninth edition, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Medicine continues to be the definitive pocket-friendly guide to medicine. The culmination over 25 years of experience at the bedside and in the community, this handbook is packed with practical advice, wit, and wisdom. The Oxford Handbook of[...]
Communication within project-based environments presents special challenges. This is especially true within the construction industry, where interaction tends to be characterised by unfamiliar groups of people coming together for short periods before disbanding to work on other endeavours. Many of t[...]