Is Scott Adams secretly basing "Dilbert" on your office, or does your office just happen to be exactly like the one in his popular strip?
Let's look at the facts. Your boss does have a lot in common with Dilbert's (aside from the pointy hair). And you do have that coworker who is one deadline aw[...]
Scott Adams has likely failed at more things than anyone you?ve ever met or anyone you?ve even heard of. So how did he go from hapless office worker and serial failure to the creator of Dilbert, one of the world's most famous syndicated comic strips, in just a few years? In How to Fail at Almost Eve[...]
Scott Adams has likely failed at more things than anyone you ve ever met or anyone you ve even heard of. So how did he go from hapless office worker and serial failure to the creator of "Dilbert," one of the world s most famous syndicated comic strips, in just a few years? In "How to Fail at Almost [...]
Everything you want out of life is in that bubbling vat of failure. The trick is to get the good stuff out.
Scott Adams has likely failed at more things than anyone you've ever met, including his corporate career, his inventions, his investments, and two restaurants. So how did he go from haple[...]
In today's fast-paced world, it's tough to find the time to read. But with Joosr guides, you can get the key insights from bestselling non-fiction titles in less than 20 minutes. Whether you want to gain knowledge on the go or find the books you'll love, Joosr's brief and accessible eBook summaries [...]
"Tänään sain valita, teenkö jotakin tärkeää, mistä kukaan ei tiedä ... vai jotakin mikä näyttää saavutukselta. Niinpä osallistuin kokouksiin, kunnes en enää tiennyt eroa." - DilbertYritysten toimitusjohtajat tosiaan ovat kädettömiä, parhaimmatkin PowerPointesitykset pintapuolisia [...]
Juhlista toimistohuumorin kulmakiven 20. vuosipäivää keräilijän erikoispainoksella!Dilbert 2.0 sisältää:* Scott Adamsin omaperäisen johdannon, jossa tekijä käsittelee Dilbertin luomisen ja menestyksen kannalta ratkaisevat tapahtumat.* Lähes 1000 Scottin henkilökohtaisesti valitsemaa sar[...]