Buying a car is an expensive business and mistakes can prove costly financially and in time, effort and stress. Wouldn't it be great if you could take an expert with you? With the aid of this book's step-by-step guidance from a marque specialist, you can! You'll discover all you need to know about t[...]
This title covers all aspects of improving these cars for today's conditions, and for higher performance generally; in the areas of power, braking, appearance and comfort. This updated and revised edition includes information on numerous new subjects such as V6 engines, air-conditioning, ignition im[...]
The transition from individual contributor to manager is arguably the hardest career change to make. It can be overwhelming, and there is plenty of bad advice around that will only make things worse. The process is often unpredictable, chaotic and unstructured. But what if new managers had a framew[...]
This book which covers all Triumph TR5/250 and TR6 models, explains the characteristics of the various TR sportscars, what to look out for when purchasing & how to restore a TR cost effectively. As well as his own substantial experience and that of other amateur restorers, the author had the help of[...]
All models of car have their own common faults and foibles as well as the general ills that can afflict all cars. This book represents the collected knowledge of many MGB experts and allows problems to be identified and assessed quickly, and then to be dealt with in the most appropriate way.[...]
Applies to all 4-cylinder TR sportscars. Practical and realistic advice on how to improve performance, braking, handling, reliability, appearance & comfort. The author is a production engineer with real hands-on experience of improving these cars. Step-by-step illustrated procedures, color throughou[...]
Reiseguiden som viser deg det de andre bare beskriver. Revidert 2009. For et par generasjoner siden var Provence for franskmenn et sted med dorske og naive middelhavsboere. For utlendingene var det et idyllisk sted, forbeholdt kunstnere og de rike. Nå er Provence forandret til en region der franskm[...]
Reiseguiden som viser deg det de andre bare beskriver. Revidert i 2011.Catalonia ligger i det nordøstlige hjørnet av Den iberiske halvøya. Regionens hovedstad er Barcelona. Byen er et lappeteppe av tydelige bydeler som forteller historien om byens vekst fra en middelalderkjerne til 1800-tal[...]
Topp 10 - for deg som vil unngå fallgrubene når du er på reise. Ny utgave 2012Dette er guiden for den som skal tilbringe en langhelg i storby eller en uke på et ukjent sted. Bøkene gjør det lett å finne frem til det beste som reisemålet kan by på. Topp 10-listeneer skreddersydd hver destina[...]
Satoja värivalokuvia, piirroksia ja karttoja. Neljä huippupäivää Barcelonassa. Tärkeimpien nähtävyyksien poikkileikkaukset ja pohjapiirrokset. Kolmiulotteiset kuvat Barcelonan kiinnostavimmista kohteista. Laaja valikoima hotelleja, ravintoloita, kauppoja ja vapaa-ajan huvituksia. Kolme opast[...]
Hyvä opas on matkailijan paras apu! Matkustitpa sitten ensimmäisessä luokassa tai pienellä budjetilla, TOP 10 vie sinut suoraan Lontoon parhaisiin kohteisiin.[...]
Teneriffan tärkeimmät ja mielenkiintoisimmat kohteet esiteltyinä upein valokuvin ja selkein kartoin sekä keskeinen matkailutieto toimitettuna helposti luettavaan muotoon, jotta matkasi olisi kaikilta osin onnistunut.[...]
To mark the 40th anniversary of Insight Guides, the leading publisher of visual travel guides, we are publishing our very own Insight Guide to Travel Photography. This practical and informative guide will appeal to keen amateurs as well as complete beginners and covers everything from the history of[...]