This book offers a clear explanation of the principles and practice of construction planning, programming and control during the preparation and construction stages of a project. The book is written in the context of current procurement and contractual arrangements and JCT2005, NEC3 and ICE7 contrac[...]
"Predators" is a riveting introduction to the murky world of Predator and Reaper drones, the CIA's and U.S. military's most effective and controversial killing tools. Brian Glyn Williams combines policy analysis with the human drama of the spies, terrorists, insurgents, and innocent tribal peoples w[...]
This landmark work, first published by Sierra Club Books in 1988, has established itself as a foundational volume in the ecological canon. In it, noted cultural historian Thomas Berry provides nothing less than a new intellectual-ethical framework for the human community by positing planetary well-b[...]
Life in a Medieval castle
A powerful and iconic weapon, the longbow dominated Medieval warfare in England. From the Hundred Years War to Hastings, Robin Hood and Agincourt, the longbow was also used to a devastating effect in naval battles. Kings of England encouraged the use of the longbow by sponsoring tournaments with pri[...]
Will Burrows has little in common with his family except for a passion for digging which he shares with his father. When his father disappears down an unknown tunnel, Will decides to investigate with his friend. Soon they find themselves deep underground, where they unearth a terrifying secret - a s[...]
The Tunnels adventure is far from over for Will Burrows. In his quest to find his father, Will is plunged even deeper underground. And as if things weren't bad enough already, he stumbles across a Styx plot with terrible implications for the world above. And a sister who isn't finished yet...[...]
At the centre of the Earth, in a world that no one knows exists, Will is in trouble. His enemy, the Styx, are close behind. They'll pursue him to the ends of the world - any world. Meanwhile Drake - with help from the unlikeliest of allies is preparing to fight the Styx from above. But will his dari[...]
In the fifth book in the Tunnels series, The Styx have surfaced. If you thought the Limiters were nasty, think again. They've brought their females with them this time. And all that stands in their way are Will and his friends, and a rag-bag team of retired commandos. It's a smoking spiral of chaos [...]
The Styx are sweeping across England, leaving death and devastation in their wake. It seems nothing can stop them now. But, deep in the centre of the earth, Will and Elliott must find a way ...[...]
Will Burrows er fjorten år gammel og bor sammen med familien sin i London. Han har lite til felles med de andre familiemedlemmene, bortsett fra faren som han deler sin interesse for graving med.Da faren plutselig blir borte gjennom en ukjent tunnell, bestemmer Will seg for å etterforske forsvinnin[...]
I svimlende fart for han ned gjennom det underjordiske tomrommet. Det virker som det er slutten for fjorten år gamle Will Burrows, men det er bare begynnelsen på nye, fryktinngytende opplevelser.[...]
Eventyret fra Tunneler er langt fra over for Will Burrows.I jakten på faren, tvinges Will lenger og lenger under jorden. Akkurat idet han tror ting ikke kan bli verre, snubler han over en grensevokter med skumle planer som vil få fryktelige følger for dem der oppe over bakken.For ikke å glemme s[...]
Kan Tunneler-eventyret bli skumlere enn det var i Avgrunnen? Hvor skal det ende? I jordens sentrum? Det virker som det er slutten for fjorten år gamle Will Burrows, men det er bare begynnelsen på nye, fryktinngytende opplevelser...[...]
Will befinner seg i jordens indre - med styxene i hælene. På overjorden forbereder Drake styxenes fall. Han har en vågal plan, og hvis den ikke resulterer i seier vil styxene følge Will til verdens ende og enda lenger om de må.[...]
Styxene har kommet til overflaten. Denne gangen har grensevaktene tatt kvinnene sine med seg. Grusomt er bare fornavnet. Alt som står i veien for dem før de kan ta over jorda, er Will og vennene hans - samt et kobbel utdaterte kommandorop. I en røykfylt spiral av kaos ser vi konturene av en trage[...]
Mörkare. Farligare. Djupare. Fortsättningen på Tunnlar är en riktig bladvändarthriller.
Äventyret i underjorden är långt ifrån över för Will Burrows. I sitt letande efter Wills pappa kommer Will, Cal och Chester allt djupare ner i underjorden, där de som förvisats från kolo[...]
Kan äventyret bli mycket farligare än det redan är? Och hur kommer det att sluta?
Äventyret är långt ifrån över för Will Burrows och vännerna när de kastar sig nerför stupet för att undkomma Rebecka och hennes elaka tvilling. De faller fritt, och samtidigt som de får upplev[...]
Will Burrows är fjorton år. En dag är hans pappa försvunnen. Det visar sig att han försvunnit genom en glugg i källaren, in i en tunnel. Will bestämmer sig för att undersöka vad som har hänt tillsammans med sin bästa kompis, Chester. Snart befinner de sig djupt nere under marken, där upp[...]
Fjärde delen i Roderick Gordons och Brian Williams internationella storsäljarserie!
Will Burrows, fjorton år, befinner sig vid jordens medelpunkt, i en hemlig och bortglömd värld. Hans fiender styxarna är honom hack i häl. Will har satt stopp för deras grymma planer, och därför[...]