Raistlin, the enigmatic but evil magic-user, gathers his powers to destroy the Queen of Darkness, but his twin brother, Caramon, together with Tasslehoff the Kender, braves overwhelming odds in a distant time dimension to stop him. Reprint.[...]
Caramon must travel back and forth in time in order to save the world from his twin brother, Raistlin, who has become the Master of the Tower of High Sorcery. Reprint.[...]
The New York Times bestselling hardcover now in paperback.This latest title from Dragonlance co-creators Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman is the sequel to the New York Times bestselling Dragons of a Fallen Sun. This paperback version contains a preview chapter from the upcoming conclusion to the tril[...]
Many years ago, Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman began spinning out the cycle of the War of the Lance, beginning with a cluster of hearthmates and long-time friends at the Inn of the Last Home. Where that journey would take the two new authors, let alone the characters they introduced to the reading [...]
A courageous band of heroes joins forces to battle an extraordinary villainess and her powerful army of the dead.[...]
Seeking a dragon orb rescued from the Tower of High Sorcery in Planathus by an elven wizard before its fall to the forces of the Kingpriest, the Dragon Highlord Ariakas assigns the task of retrieving it to Kitiara Uth-Matar, half-sister of Raistlin and Caramon, but first she must confront Laurana, a[...]
The Twins: Raistlin and Caramon, perhaps two of the most beloved characters in the annals of fantasy literature. One, an archmage who seeks to rule the gods themselves; the other, a noble warrior whose love for his brother is the reason he must stop him.
Together they travel back in time to rewri[...]
The war against the dragon minions of Queen Takhisis rages on. Armed with the mysterious, magical dragon orbs and the shining, silver dragonlance, the companions bring hope to the world. But now, in the dawn of a new day, the dark secrets that have long shadowed the hearts of the friends come to lig[...]
Now the people know that the dragon minions of Takhisis, Queen of Darkness, have returned. The people of all nations prepare to fight to save their homes, their lives, and their freedom. But the races have long been divided by hatred and prejudice. Elven warriors and human knights fight among themse[...]
THE?GODS?RETURN As a group of companions, long separated, gather before the fire at the Inn of the Last Home, they encounter a mysterious young woman bearing a blue crystal staff and a breathtaking message: The gods have returned. Centuries before, the gods in their wrath hurled down a mountain on t[...]
Summer has come to Krynn, a summer unlike any before. The sun sears the world with relentless light and heat, and even the darkness of night brings little relief from the strange and oppressive day. Those who commune regularly with their gods are uneasy, for every day their deities become more dista[...]
Tre gånger i tiden befann sig tre världar i fara. Tre gånger i tiden skulle tre förkämpar mötas i ett gemensamt öde Sedan urminnes tider har tre parallella världar existerat sida vid sida i varsin separat verklighet. De är Aerbon, människovä[...]
Jatko-osa suositulle Kääpiökuilujen lohikäärmeet -kirjalle. Flint ja Tasslehoff lähtevät etelään, kylmään ja vaaralliseen maahan etsimään yhtä tarunomaisista lohikäärmekristalleista.[...]
Nuori Skylan Ivorson on vindrasin päälliköiden päällikkö. Kansan muinaiset jumalat joutuvat pakoilemaan heitä voimakkaampia uusia jumalia. Jättiläiset ovat saaneet haltuunsa yhden kansan pyhimmistä esineistä, Vektanin käädyn, jota Skylan lähtee hakemaan takaisin lohikäärmelaivastonsa[...]
Raistlin Majeresta on tullut mustan vyön velho ja hän matkustaa Nerakaan. Kaupunkia hallitseva Musta kuningatar Takhisis lähettää apurinsa Raistlinia vastaan, ja nuori naisvelho Kitiara asettaa ansan kaikille Nerakaan kokoontuneille velhoille.Raistlin pakotetaan pakenemaan ja hän ryhtyy taiste[...]
Uudet jumalat ovat haastaneet vanhan ylijumala Torvalin. Ainoa keino estää heidän pyrkimyksensä on löytää viisi Vektia-lohikäärmeen luuta, jotka lohikäärmejumalatar Vindrash piilotti luotuaan maailman.
Nuori viikinkipäällikkö Skylan on vanhojen jumalien liittolainen, mutta h[...]