Alastair Cooke's "Letter from America: 1946-2004" is a defining collection from his legendary BBC Radio broadcasts that guides us through nearly sixty years of changing life in the United States. Alistair Cooke's "Letter from America" interpreted nearly sixty years of changing US life for the rest o[...]
Why don't flight attendants get tipped? If you were a terrorist, how would you attack? And why does KFC always run out of fried chicken? Over the past decade, Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner have published more than 8,000 blog posts on Now the very best of this writing has b[...]
More Than 4 Million Copies Sold WorldwidePublished in 35 LanguagesWhich is more dangerous, a gun or a swimming pool?What do schoolteachers and sumo wrestlers have in common?How much do parents really matter?These may not sound like typical questions for an economist to ask. But Steven D. Levitt is n[...]
Like no other text for the intermediate microeconomics course, Goolsbee/Levitt/Syverson Microeconomics bridges the gap between the theory and practice, providing an empirical dimension that makes the course immediately relevant and useful to students. With carefully crafted features and examples tha[...]
In today's fast-paced world, it's tough to find the time to read. But with Joosr guides, you can get the key insights from bestselling non-fiction titles in less than 20 minutes. Whether you want to gain knowledge on the go or find the books you'll love, Joosr's brief and accessible eBook sum[...]
From the rule-breaking authors of international bestsellers Freakonomics and Superfreakonomics, this is the ultimate guide to how to Think Like a Freak. The Freakonomics books have come to stand for something: challenging conventional wisdom; using data rather than emotion to answer questions; and l[...]
Levitt and Dubner have turned what they've learned into a readable and practical toolkit for thinking smarter, harder, and different - thinking, that is, like a Freak.[...]
Forfattaren skriv med utgangspunkt i forskingsbasert kunnskap om endringsprosessar i skulen. Ho drøftar sentrale aspekt ved endringsprosessen som leiing, samarbeid og rolla til skuleeigar i lys av teori og forskning.Vidare viser ho korleis ein kan omsetje kunnskap om endringsarbeid til praktisk han[...]
Missa inte nya boken från Levitt och Dubner ? Tänk som ett freak. I butik september 2014. Vad är farligast, en revolver eller en swimmingpool? Vad har skollärare och sumobrottare gemensamt? Varför bor knarklangare fortfarande hemma hos sina mammor? Det här kanske inte låter som typiska frå[...]
I den globala dundersuccén Freakonomics vände Chicago-professorn Steven D. Levitt och New York Times-journalisten Stephen J. Dubner uppochner på vår förståelse av det mesta från knarklangning till lägenhetsaffärer. Nu är de tillbaka! I den lika fascinerande uppföljaren Tänk som ett fre[...]
Kumpi on vaarallisempi, ase vai uima-allas? Mitä yhteistä on opettajilla ja sumopainijoilla? Paljonko vanhemmilla oikeasti on merkitystä?Kysymykset eivät ehkä ole tyypillisiä taloustieteilijälle. Steven D. Levitt ei kuitenkaan ole tyypillinen taloustieteilijä. Hän on kiitelty opettaja, joka[...]