The Edge of Words is Rowan Williams' first book since standing down as Archbishop of Canterbury. Invited to give the prestigious 2014 Gifford Lectures, Dr Williams has produced a scholarly but eminently accessible account of the possibilities of speaking about God - taking as his point of departure [...]
"The Wound of Knowledge" is a penetrating psychological and intellectual analysis of Christian spirituality.[...]
This collection of pastoral sermons and addresses, shows how the faith of the creeds can still equip Christians for a vigorous and critical engagement with the world of today.[...]
In this highly acclaimed work, now available for the first time in paperback, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams investigates the four major novels of one of literature's most complex, and most complexly misunderstood, authors: Crime & Punishment, The Idiot, Devils, and The Brothers Karamozov. [...]
What we call holy in the world ? a person, a place, a set of words or pictures ? is so because the completely foreign is brought together with the familiar and the everyday. No one embodies this more than Mary, who literally makes a home for the Creator of all things in her own body and in her own h[...]
"God, where are you?" This has been the cry of humankind since time began, and Enzo Bianchi finds God's traces in the searching of significant figures from the Old Testament. We are challenged to question our own certainties like Abraham, suffer torment like Jacob, or falter and become discouraged i[...]
Presents an introduction to the Christian faith which explores the key themes of Christian belief and the reality of living them.[...]
Første bog på dansk af den engelske ærkebiskop Rowan Williams. I Stilhed og honningkager kombinerer Rowan Williams ørkenfædrenes ældgamle visdom med noget yderst aktuelt: Hvordan finder vi sandheden om os selv og hvordan kan vi eksistere respektfuldt sammen med vores medmennesker, [...]
I den här boken går Rowan Williams tillbaka till ökenfäderna och ökenmödrarna för att hämta vishet och insikt. Man kan frestas att tro att 300- och 400-talens ökenfäder och ökenmödrar levde sina liv enbart i stilla kontemplation och avskildhet. Williams visar här att så int[...]
Den värld vi möter i Dostojevskijs romaner är
en värld där frågan om vad människor är skyldiga
varandra lämnas öppen på ett smärtsamt och
chockerande vis, och det tycks inte finnas någon
säker plats från vilken vi kan konstruera ett tydligt [...]