A revealing study of how private military contractors are transforming modern warfare assesses the role of the private sector in all aspects of the war against terror--from intelligence gathering and policy creation to actual combat and peacekeeping--discusses how such contractors are recruited, hir[...]
The first decade of the new century proved to be a deadly one for many children and young people in the United States. Despite increased policing on the streets, higher rates of incarceration, harsher sentencing, stricter control of illegal drugs, and attempts to reduce access to firearms, FBI repor[...]
IN THIS GROUNDBREAKING BOOK, education expert Tony Wagner provides a powerful rationale for developing an innovation-driven economy. He explores what parents, teachers, and employers must do to develop the capacities of young people to become innovators. In profiling compelling young American innova[...]
Retire Young Retire Rich is about how we started with nothing and retired financially free in less than ten years. Find out how you can do the same. If you do not plan on working hard all your life, this book is for you. Why not Retire Young and Retire Rich?[...]
Retire Young Retire Rich is about how we started with nothing and retired financially free in less than ten years. Find out how you can do the same. If you do not plan on working hard all your life, this book is for you. Why not Retire Young and Retire Rich?[...]
Are your financial plans on the fast track or the slow track? If you are like most, retiring early sounds great; more time to do what really interests you. To get on the fast track, you need to leverage your mind, your plan and your actions. In Retire Young Retire Rich, Kiyosaki details how he and h[...]
If you don't plan on working hard all your life this is the book for you. If you're ready to retire (or would like to retire early enough to enjoy the retirement years) you can learn from Robert's story of how he and his wife Kim started with nothing and 'retired' financially free in less than 10 ye[...]
Water provides benefits as a commodity for agriculture, industry, and households, and as a public good such as fisheries habitat, water quality and recreational use. To aid in cost-benefit analysis under conditions where market determined price signals are usually unavailable, economists have develo[...]
Never count calories, fat grams, or food portions again Say good-bye to low energy, poor digestion, extra pounds, aches and pains, and disease. Say hello to renewed vigor, mental clarity, better overall health, and a lean, trim body. The key? Your health depends on the pH balance of its blood, stri[...]
A lifestyle program for diabetics builds on the theory that the condition is caused by excess body acidity and offers advice on exercising effectively, eating and avoiding the right foods, limiting stress, and reducing or eliminating insulin injection dependency, in a guide complemented by numerous [...]
Arguing that weight is an acid-related challenge as opposed to a fat problem, a guide to weight loss through pH balance identifies how to make food and water choices that will help stabilize body chemistry and eliminate extra fat cells, in a guide complemented by an exercise plan, menus, and recipes[...]
Das traurige Ende der meisten Diäten: Trotz Kalorienzählens und fettarmen Hasenfutters wollen die Pfunde nicht weichen. Das Autorenpaar Young hat herausgefunden, dass die Ursache für Übergewicht, einen lahmen Stoffwechsel und ein schwächelndes Immunsystem das Ungleichgewicht der Säuren und Bas[...]
"Med pH-mirakelet kan Young ha funnet den sanne nøkkelen til god helse og et langt liv. Fremstillingen er enkel og faktisk også åndelig."James Redfield, forfatter av Den niende innsiktHar du som mål å gå ned i vekt, forebygge sykdom eller gjenvinne helsen? Glem måling av kolesterol, telling a[...]
Oletko valmis jättämään verensokeriheilahtelut, insuliinipistokset ja jäytävän pelon tulevista diabeteksen aiheuttamista lisääntyvistä terveysongelmista? Jos olet, kädessäsi oleva kirja kertoo keinot siihen!Mikrobiologi ja ravintofysiologi, tohtori Robert O. Young sekä hänen vaimonsa j[...]