William Zinsser, author of "On Writing Well" and many other books, wrote a weekly blog for the American Scholar -- about writing, the arts, New York, and popular culture. This book collects these engaging pieces by one of America's best essayists. Relationships, storytelling, baseball, summer readin[...]
In the 1840s and 1850s, "Brady of Broadway" was one of the most successful and acclaimed Manhattan portrait galleries. Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, Dolley Madison, Henry James as a boy with his father, Horace Greeley, Edgar Allan Poe, the Prince of Wales, and Jenny Lind were among the dignitaries pho[...]
Første bok i Robert Wilsons nye serie om den private kidnappingskonsulenten Charles Boxer. Wilson er tilbake i absolutt toppform!Alyshia D'Cruz lever et perfekt liv. Hun er 25 år gammel, blendende vakker ? og datteren til en av Indias rikeste menn, mangemilliardæren Francisco D'Cruz, og den briti[...]
Para el correcto conocimiento y aprendizaje de una lengua es imprescindible conocer a fondo la gramatica. El manual que tiene entre sus manos pone a su alcance la adquisicion de estos conocimientos de una forma facil: la teoria esta perfectamente sintetizada y explicada de forma clara y sencilla; lo[...]
Everything you need to know about collecting books, in one classic guide. "Modern Book Collecting" offers advice that answers all the most important questions a book lover and collector might have--what to collect and where to find it, how to tell a first edition from a reprint, how to build an auth[...]
Newly Revised and Updated!
Are you tormented by extremely distressing thoughts or persistent worries?
Compelled to wash your hands repeatedly?
Driven to repeat or check certain numbers, words, or actions?
If you or someone you love suffers from[...]
This is the first book to explore the use of EMDR with children and adolescents. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) has helped thousands of adults haunted by traumatic events. But what about children? Millions of children witness violence in the home and in the streets. Many others[...]
Biogeography was stuck in a 'natural history phase' dominated by the collection of data, the young Princeton biologists Robert H. MacArthur and Edward O. Wilson argued in 1967. In this book, the authors developed a general theory to explain the facts of island biogeography. The theory builds on the [...]
This is a fantastic new collection of short stories from one of the world's best science fiction writers, Robert J. Sawyer. He is a Hugo and Nebula award winning writer. This is a dedicated mailing and e-mail campaign to targeted sci-fi related media & organizations. This volume brings together sixt[...]
Filled with sex and violence - in and out of time and space - the three books in this trilogy are only partly works of the imagination. They tackle the cover-ups of our time - from who really shot the Kennedys to why there's a pyramid on a one-dollar bill - and suggest a mind-blowing truth.[...]
Tajunnanräjäyttävän kulttitrilogian ensimmäinen osa!
Illuminatus on valloittavan vinksahtanutta, päättömän hauskaa kokeellista scifiä, jonka temaattisesta sekametelisopasta löytyy huumeita, hillittömiä salaliittoteorioita, magiaa, neuropsykologiaa, numerologiaa, fantasiaa, s[...]
Tajunnanräjäyttävän trilogian toinen osa!
Muinaisen salaseuran mysteeri syvenee, ja koko ihmiskunnan kohtalo on vaakalaudalla. Natsizombien armeija valmistautuu lopulliseen hyvä ja pahan yhteenottoon. Vastassaan sillä on superagentti Fission Chips, mielipuolinen nero Hagbard Celine[...]
Tajunnanräjäyttävän kulttitrilogian kiihkeä finaali!Tähän mennessä tapahtunut: muinaisen salaseura Illuminatuksen jäljille päässyt toimittaja Joseph Malik katoaa. Newyorkilaispoliisi Saul Goodmanin selvittäessä juttua mysteeri syvenee, ja pian koko ihmiskunnan kohtalo on vaakalaudalla.K[...]
Before the X-Files, before alt.conspiracy, there was Robert Anton Wilson and his legendary Illuminatus Trilogy. Now this avatar of conspiriology, renowned for his razor wit and progressive philosophy, takes you on a fascinating, eclectic ride through what Wilson has termed the "Cultic Twilight" whe[...]
The concept of species has played a central role in both evolutionary biology and the philosophy of biology, and has been the focus of a number of books in recent years. This book differs from other recent collections in two ways. It is more explicitly integrative and analytical, centering on issues[...]
This accessible and engaging text explores the relationship between philosophy, science and physical geography. It addresses an imbalance that exists in opinion, teaching and to a lesser extent research, between a philosophically enriched human geography and a perceived philosophically ignorant phys[...]
The sequel to the cult classic The Illuminatus! Trilogy, this is an epic fantasy that offers a twisted look at our modern-day world--a reality that exists in another dimension of time and space that may be closer than we think.[...]