This is an English translation of Descartes' seminal discourse, with an original essay by Richard Kennington. This text is designed to provide the student with a close translation, notes, and a glossary of key terms, facilitating access to ideas as they originally were presented and helping to make [...]
The father of modern western philosophy, Rene Descartes formulated the first modern version of mind-body dualism, promoting the development of a new science grounded in observation and experiment. Applying an original system of methodical doubt, he dismissed apparent knowledge derived from the sense[...]
Rene Descartes (1569-1650), the 'father' of modern philosophy, is without doubt one of the greatest thinkers in history: his genius lies at the core of our contemporary intellectual identity. Breaking with the conventions of his own time and suffering persecution by the Church as a consequence, Desc[...]
Rene Descartes's Compendium musicAe was one of the most widely-read texts on the mathematics of music in the second half of the seventeenth century, offering a succinct and lucid summary of its subject. It was translated into English, French and Dutch before the end of the century--though its idiosy[...]
On appelle methode, l'ordre que la pensee doit suivre pour parvenir a la sagesse et conformement auquel elle pense une fois qu'elle y est parvenue. Mais qu'est-ce que la sagesse? C'est la chose du monde la plus desirable, et celle pourtant a laquelle les hommes pensent le moins. Or, le philosophe s'[...]
Dernier ouvrage publie par Descartes, le Traite des Passions de l'ame (1649) est le fruit de toute sa philosophie. Ce traite, qui s'appuie sur un resume de la biologie cartesienne, s'oriente vers une medecine concrete des affections psycho-physiologiques et s'epanouit en une apologie de la generosit[...]
Sans cesse lu et etudie, Descartes exerca une influence considerable en Europe des le XVIIe siecle. Le projet de l'edition des oeuvres completes de Descartes a ete lance en 1894 par le Ministere de l'Instruction publique, et entrepris par un comite comprenant entre autre Emile Boutroux, Xavier Leon,[...]