Learn How to Program Stochastic Models Highly recommended, the best-selling first edition of Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R was lauded as an excellent, easy-to-read introduction with extensive examples and exercises. This second edition continues to introduce scientif[...]
Sara McMillan saa käsiinsä tuntemattoman naisen uskaliaan päiväkirjan. Sen eroottinen sisältö sekä järkyttää että kiehtoo häntä. Missä tuo syntisten fantasioiden kirjoittaja, Rebecca, on nyt? Sitä selvittäessään Sara päätyy Rebeccan sijaiseksi taidegalleriaan ja kohtaa kaksi vaar[...]
Sara McMillan horjuu kahden maailman välillä: kipeän menneisyytensä ja sähäkän nykyisyytensä. Sara tuntee yhä voimakkaampaa yhteyttä päiväkirjojen Rebeccaan ja on nyt varma, että tälle on tapahtunut jotain pahaa. Kaksi arvaamatonta miestä haluaisi pitää hänet otteessaan, ja toisen [...]
Taidemaailmaan sijoittuva, hyvin kirjoitettu, eroottisesti latautunut romanttinen trillerisarja. Keskiössä uskalias päiväkirja, salaperäisesti kadonnut nainen, vallanhimoinen mies ja salatuimpien halujen tyydyttäminen.
Rebeccan salatuimmat eroottiset fantasiat ovat paljastuneet. Sar[...]
This Handbook adopts a traditional definition of the subject, and focuses primarily on the explanation of international transactions in goods, services, and assets, and on the main domestic effects of those transactions. The first volume deals with the 'real side' of international economics. It is c[...]
This Handbook adopts a traditional definition of the subject, and focuses primarily on the explanation of international transactions in goods, services, and assets, and on the main domestic effects of those transactions. The first volume deals with the "real side" of international economics. It is c[...]
Part of the Oxford Textbooks in Clinical Neurology series, the Oxford Textbook of Neuromuscular Disorders covers the scientific basis, clinical diagnosis, and treatment of neuromuscular disorders with a particular focus on the most clinically relevant disorders. The book is organized into seven sect[...]
Specially written by experienced teachers for self-study or class use, the Colloquial Danish offers you a step-by-step approach to written and spoken Danish. No prior knowledge of the language is required. Includes:
· Interactive
· Clear
· Practical
· Complete - including answ[...]
Sacred Violence examines the place that ideology or political religion plays in legitimizing violence to achieve a condition of worldly perfection. In particular, the book focuses upon Islamism as a post modern political religion that considers violence both necessary and purificatory. It also exami[...]
Considered by many to be the most terrifying writer in English, M. R. James is an unlikely producer of ghost-stories. An eminent scholar who spent his entire adult life in the academic surroundings of Eton and Cambridge, his classic supernatural tales have lost none of their power to unsettle and d[...]
When "Agendas and Instability in American Politics" appeared fifteen years ago, offering a profoundly original account of how policy issues rise and fall on the national agenda, the "Journal of Politics" predicted that it would 'become a landmark study of public policy making and American politics'.[...]
How does the government decide what's a problem and what isn't? Like individuals, Congress is subject to the "paradox of search." If policy makers don't look for problems, they won't find those that need to be addressed. But if they carry out a thorough search, they will almost certainly find new pr[...]
The counterinsurgency (COIN) paradigm dominates military and political conduct in contemporary Western strategic thought. It assumes future wars will unfold as "low intensity" conflicts within rather than between states, requiring specialized military training and techniques. COIN is understood as a[...]
Without the support of airlift, the modern American military machine would be brought to a standstill. Since World War II--beginning with the Cold War and continuing up to the present day--the U.S. armed forces have come increasingly to rely upon airlift for mobility. The power to move and thereafte[...]
HBO has grown from a domestic movie channel to an international cable-and-satellite network with presence in more than seventy countries, and a distinctive brand of original programming and landmark shows such as "The Sopranos" and "Sex and the City". "The Essential HBO Reader" brings together an ac[...]
This master work by Drs. Michael Zenn and Glyn Jones represents the next generation of Mathes and Nahai's classic work on reconstructive surgery. It fulfills the original authors' plan to produce a definitive publication that captures the anatomy and technique in the earlier work while adding clinic[...]
Unmasking One of the Most Underdiagnosed Autoimmune DiseasesDo you suffer from gastrointestinal complaints, fatigue, headaches, joint pain, anemia, and/or itchy skin conditions? Have you consulted numerous doctors, and been prescribed drugs and diets that have only temporarily alleviated some sympto[...]