Primo Levi, the Italian-born chemist once described by Philip Roth as that quicksilver little woodland creature enlivened by the forest s most astute intelligence, has largely been considered a heroic figure in the annals of twentieth-century literature for If This Is a Man, his haunting account of [...]
In 1943, Primo Levi, a twenty-five-year-old chemist and "Italian citizen of Jewish race," was arrested by Italian fascists and deported from his native Turin to Auschwitz. "Survival in Auschwitz" is Levi's classic account of his ten months in the German death camp, a harrowing story of systematic cr[...]
Primo Levi (1919-1987) was an Italian chemist, writer, and Holocaust survivor who used a combination of testimony, essays, and creative writing to explore crucial themes related to the Shoah. His voice is among the most important to emerge from this dark chapter in human history. In Primo Levi and t[...]
Motherhood, Fatherland and Primo Levi: The Hidden Groundwork of Agency in his Auschwitz Writings offers major new insights into the political dimensions of Levi's thought by using those texts conventionally thought to be marginal to his oeuvre (i.e., his short works of science fiction and fantasy an[...]
Immediately following his release from Auschwitz in 1945, Primo Levi, along with Dr Claudio Debenedetti, was asked to provide a report on living conditions in the concentration camp for Russian authorities. Published the following year, it was then forgotten and has until now remained unknown to a w[...]
An extraordinary and unique document: Hoess was in charge of the huge extermination camp in Poland where the Nazis murdered some three million Jews, from the time of its creation (he was responsible for building it) in 1940 until late in 1943, by which time the mass exterminations were half complet[...]
Mingling fact and fiction, science and perso nal record, history and anecdote, Levi uses his training as an industrial chemist and the terrible years he spent as a p risoner in Auschwitz to illuminate the human condition in a unique autobiography. '[...]
Primo Levi's account of life as a concentration camp prisoner falls into two parts. "If This is a Man" describes his deportation to Poland and the 20 months he spent working in Auschwitz. "The Truce" covers his journey home to Italy at the end of the war.[...]
As one of the best-known survivors of the concentration camps, Primo Levi's testimony to his experiences in Auschwitz is internationally recognised as one of the most significant works of the last century. This volume examines each of Levi's works in detail, assessing and analysing the influence of [...]
Forfatteren, italiensk jøde, satt nesten ett år i konsentrasjonsleiren i Auschwitz. I denne boka forteller han hvordan han overlevde.[...]
Primo Levis vidnesbyrd fra Auschwitz er tre af det 20. århundredes allervigtigste litterære værker.
Den 13. december 1943 arresteres den italiensk-jødiske kemiker Primo Levi i Alperne og føres til dødslejren Auschwitz. Det er begyndelsen på en grum fortælling, om h[...]
Boken är trådbunden med synlig rygg
Primo Levis tre böcker betraktas som en av de främsta vittnesskildringarna av Förintelsen. I den här samlingsutgåvan har Göran Rosenberg skrivet ett viktigt förord.
1944 arresterades Primo Levi i norra Italien och deporterades till f[...]
Nyskrivet förord av litteraturforskaren Kaj Schueler till Primo Levis Periodiska systemet. Om Periodiska systemet: Periodiska systemet är på samma gång självbiografisk skrift och en reflektion över den mänskliga naturen såsom förbunden med den materiella kemin. I 21 kapitel, rubricerade [...]
Primo Levi hålls för en av Förintelsens mest betydande vittnesförfattare. Hans skildring av tiden i Auschwitz Är detta en människa? och vägen tillbaka Fristen är idag klassiker. Mindre känd är poesin, som Levi blott periodvis och âi oviss timmeâ ägnade sig åt. Med åren har Lev[...]
Ny och utvidgad utgåva av Samtal med Primo Levi.Detta säger Primo Levi om sitt behov av att skriva och vittna:"Jag började skriva därför att jag kände ett behov av att skriva. Om ni ber mig gå vidare och redogöra för varifrån det behovet härrör kan jag inte svara. Jag hade en känsla av [...]
Primo Levin (1917-1987) Hukkuneet ja pelastuneet on hämmentävä ja samalla valaiseva kokoelma kirjoituksia keskitysleirin olemuksesta. Auschwitzissa lähes vuoden vankina ollut italianjuutalainen kirjailija tarkastelee siinä mm. viestinnän mahdollisuutta ja mahdottomuutta leirillä, häpeää jo[...]
Aselepo kertoo Auschwitzista pelastuneiden italialaisten kotiinpaluusta, pittoreskista ja ahdistavastakin harharetkestä, pitkästä vaelluksesta Puolan, Valko-Venäjän, Ukrainan, Romanian ja Unkarin läpi, kautta laittomien torien, puna-armeijan kasarmien, metsien, kylien ja kaupunkien. Primo Lev[...]