Nobel-Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman argues that business leaders need to understand the differences between economic policy on the national and international scale and business strategy on the organizational scale. Economists deal with the closed system of a national economy, whereas executiv[...]
"Essentials of Economics" brings the same captivating writing and innovative features of Krugman/Wells to the one-term economics course. Adapted by Kathryn Graddy, it is the ideal text for teaching basic economic principles, with enough real-world applications to help students see the applicability,[...]
'Essentials of Economics' brings the captivating writing and innovative features of Krugman/Wells to the one-term micro/macro module. It is ideal for teaching basic economic principles in a real-world context.[...]
Each year more and more students are being introduced to the fundamental principles of microeconomics via Paul Krugman's trusted voice and signature storytelling style. This third edition of Krugman and Well's Microeonomics is their most accomplished yet, extensively updated with new examples, new c[...]
Fully updated and revised, the third edition of this core textbook integrates models with real world examples, so the relevance of the theoretical concept is clear throughout.[...]
Prepared by Elizabeth Sawyer-Kelly, University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Study Guide reinforces the topics and key concepts covered in the main Macroeconomics text. For each chapter, the Study Guide is organised as follows: Before You Read the Chapter; After You Read the Chapter; Before You Take the[...]
Prepared by Elizabeth Sawyer-Kelly, University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Study Guide reinforces the topics and key concepts covered in the main Macroeconomics text. For each chapter, the Study Guide is organised as follows: Before You Read the Chapter; After You Read the Chapter; Before You Take the[...]
When it comes to explaining current economic conditions, there is no economist readers trust more than New York Times columnist and Nobel laureate Paul Krugman. Term after term, Krugman is earning that same level of trust in the classroom, with more and more instructors introducing students to the f[...]
Denne boken viser parallellene mellom dagens finanskrise og hendelsene som forårsaket den store depresjonen på 1930-tallet, og forklarer hvordan vi kan unngå katastrofen.[...]
Författaren skriver: "Det finns tre huvudskäl till att det är viktigt att börja arbeta med ekonomisk geografi - det viktigaste i mina ögon är det intellektuella och empiriska laboratorium som ämnet ger oss ..."
Denna titel har tidigare givits ut av SNS förlag men ingår numera i S[...]
Jag är frestad att säga att den här krisen inte liknar något vi sett förut. Men det är nog mer korrekt att säga att den liknar allt vi sett förut, fast på en och samma gång: en fastighetsbubbla som sprack på samma sätt som Japans i slutet av 1980-talet, en våg av banklikvidationer jämf[...]
Den globala recessionen är inne på sitt femte år och ännu syns ingen ljusning i sikte. Bankrutt är ett ständigt hot inte bara för stora företag och enskilda personer utan även för hela stater som Grekland, Italien, Portugal och Spanien. Dessa stater, skriver Paul Krugman, så rika på resu[...]
âJag är frestad att säga att krisen inte påminner om någonting vi sett förut. Men det skulle kanske vara riktigare att säga att den liknar allt vi har sett förut, på en och samma gång. Världsekonomin har visat sig vara ett mycket farligare ställe än vi kunnat föreställa oss. Hur b[...]
Den globala recessionen är inne på sitt femte år och ännu syns ingen ljusning i sikte. Bankrutt är ett ständigt hot inte bara för stora företag och enskilda personer utan även för hela stater som Grekland, Italien, Portugal och Spanien. Hur har det blivit så här illa? Hur har vi fastnat [...]
Maailmaa ravisteleva laskukausi sai alkunsa finanssikriisistä, jolle löytyy lähihistoriasta monta hyvin samankaltaista edeltäjää. Talouskriisit riepottelivat viime vuosikymmenellä niin Aasiaa, Venäjää kuin Latinalaista Amerikkaakin. Jos niistä olisi otettu opiksi, nykyinen taloudellinen m[...]
Talousnobelisti Paul Krugmanin poleeminen puheenvuoro nykyisenkaltaista tiukkaa talouspolitiikkaa vastaan. Krugmanin mukaan pitkittyvä suurtyöttömyys on aikaa myöten vakavampi uhka kuin velkaantuminen. Hän vaatii lisäämään julkisia menoja, jotta lamassa riutuva talous saataisiin käännetyk[...]
Nobel Prize winning economist Paul Krugman, renowned researcher Maurice Obstfeld, and new co-author Marc Melitz of Harvard University, continue to set the standard for International Economics courses with the text that remains the market leader in the U.S. and around the world. International Econom[...]
For courses in International Economics, International Finance, and International Trade A balanced approach to theory and policy applications International Economics: Theory and Policy provides engaging, balanced coverage of the key concepts and practical applications of the two main topic areas of[...]
Paul Krugman has made a reputation for himself by telling us the truth about economics however unlikely it may seem and however little we want to believe it. In this collection of sharp, witty essays, Krugman tackles bad economic ideas from across the political spectrum, giving us clear-eyed insight[...]
In "The Conscience of a Liberal", Paul Krugman, one of the US' most respected economists and outspoken commentators, lays out his vision of a New Deal for a fairer society. After the Second World War it seemed that, in the West, society was gradually becoming more equal. Welfare States had been esta[...]
How can the new governments of Eastern Europe succeed in moving from centrally planned to freemarket economies? This incisive report identifies and describes the major policy choices to be made and discusses what will work and what will not.Reform in Eastern Europe provides a comprehensive, easily r[...]
Since 1990 there has been a surge of theoretical and empirical work on the spatial aspects of the economy. The text discusses this area of contemporary economics - the "new economic geography". It provides an explanation of the existence of large economic agglomerations at various spatial scales.[...]
"Market Structure and Foreign Trade" presents a coherent theory of trade in the presence of market structures other than perfect competition. The theory it develops explains trade patterns, especially of industrial countries, and provides an integration between trade and the role of multinational en[...]
This volume of original essays brings the practical world of trade policy and of government and business strategy together with the world of academic trade theory. It focuses in particular on the impact of changes in the international trade environment and on how new developments and theory can guid[...]