Det å føle kjærlighet og medfølelse har en legende og lindrende effekt, og gjør oss i stand til å takle utfordringer bedre. Flere vitenskapelige studier av psykologi og menneskehjernen viser at medfølelse og omsorg er sentralt for utviklingen av velvære, mental helse og evnen vår til å ska[...]
Hvis man lider af depression, er man desværre langtfra alene om det. Det anslås, at omkring 300 millioner mennesker på verdensplan lider af depression i sværere eller mildere grad. Mange mennesker genkender symptomer som konstant træthed, søvnproblemer, skyldfølelse, selvværd[...]
Paul Gilbert har gennem sit mangeårige arbejde med kognitive processer i behandlingen af depression og selvværdsproblemer påvist, at man gennem øget viden om sindets negative overbevisninger kan opnå større selvindsigt og efterhånden lære at overskue og kontrollere sine tanke[...]
Although the therapeutic relationship is a major contributor to therapeutic outcomes, the cognitive behavioral psychotherapies have not explored this aspect in any detail. This book addresses this shortfall and explores the therapeutic relationship from a range of different perspectives within cogni[...]
A conceptual framework for analyzing social welfare policy Dimensions of Social Welfare Policy provides a comprehensive and widely-used framework for analyzing social welfare policies. The text encourages readers to develop their own thoughts on social welfare policy and to explore policy alternativ[...]
In this explosive expose of our health care system, Paul Jesilow, Henry N. Pontell, and Gilbert Geis uncover the dark side of physician practice. Using interviews with doctors and federal, state, and private officials and extensive investigation of case files, they tell the stories of doctors who pr[...]
Crime novelist and detective Paul Temple and his Fleet Street journalist wife Steve inhabit a sophisticated, well-dressed world of chilled cocktails and fast cars, where the women are chic and the men still wear cravats, and where Scotland Yard always needs Paul's help with a tricky case.[...]
In the autumn of 1898, the Docklands of London are stunned by the arrival of a long overdue Clipper: the 'Matilda Briggs,' which has apparently drifted into a vacant berth. The only crew member still on board is a young cabin boy and he is in the throes of death, following a mysterious attack. The g[...]
Most people now accept that human beings are the product of millions of years of mammalian evolution and, more recently, primate evolution. This landmark book explores the implications of our evolutionary history for theories and therapies of depression. In particular, the focus is on how social con[...]