Making Sense of Maths is the only series that develops conceptual understanding
Making Sense of Maths is the only series that develops conceptual understanding
Making Sense of Maths is the only series that develops conceptual understanding
The only full-colour textbook series for National 4 & 5 Modern Studies.
Frank R. Paul is almost universally recognized as the "Father of Science Fiction Illustration," and rightly so, since his work has influenced and inspired generations of artists and visionaries over the past eighty years. From "Flash Gordon" to "Luke Skywalker", Paul's presence is still being felt i[...]
This guide shows how to break the cycle of addictive relationships and realize that your happiness does not depend on others.[...]
Mange mennesker sliter med et uklart og negativt selvbilde. Forfatterne av denne boken viser hvordan vårt selvbilde i stor grad er påvirket av vårt foreldrebilde, og hvordan dette i sin tur påvirker vårt gudsbilde. Det sentrale begrepet i boken er medavhengighet. Dette handler om hvordan bånde[...]