Napoleon Bonaparte is renowned as one of the greatest military commanders in history, and the central figure in so many of the events of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. Throughout the first decade of the 19th century he won battle after battle by wielding the Grande Armee decisively ag[...]
As Napoleon did everyone the courtesy of leaving behind a rich and complicated wake, Scott was able in this volume to forgo his usual tendency of shoehorning some hapless everyman into European history, and instead adhere to the story of the Emperor himself. Free from any obligation to narrative inv[...]
Napoleon bad til Allah sammen med Egyptens muslimer, lod paven velsigne sit bryllup med Josephine og forhandlede med sin ateistiske Nationalkommité. Hvert år af hans regeringstid medførte et århundredes fremskridt på vej mod et demokratisk Europa. Folk i titusindvis bestilte Napoleons buste, og[...]