"Buffy", created by Joss Whedon and featuring the titular ass-kicking heroine and her "Scooby Gang" of friends as they fight vampires and other supernatural horrors in their home town, celebrates its 15th birthday in 2012. This full-colour, lavishly illustrated book includes quotes from the cast and[...]
During a mysterious blackout, Angelo Demarco, the son of New York City's most powerful family, is kidnapped. NYPD detectives Catherine Chandler and Tess Vargas are on the case when they learn of a second missing person: Cat's father has disappeared from his prison cell. Vincent is desperate to help [...]
When Vincent Keller is approached by the family of a fellow soldier who went missing in Afghanistan, he vows to help them uncover the truth behind her disappearance. Meanwhile, Catherine is working on the case of a young girl so traumatized by the brutal murder of her aunt that she is unable speak. [...]