A national bestseller that has changed the way readers view the ecology of eating, this revolutionary book by award winner Michael Pollan asks the seemingly simple question: What should we have for dinner? Tracing from source to table each of the food chains that sustain usââ¬â More...whet[...]
What should we have for dinner? When you can eat just about anything nature (or the supermarket) has to offer, deciding what you should eat will inevitably stir anxiety, especially when some of the foods might shorten your life. Today, buffeted by one food fad after another, America is suffering fro[...]
What to eat, what not to eat, and how to think about health: a manifesto for our times
"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." These simple words go to the heart of Michael Pollan's "In Defense of Food," the well-considered answers he provides to the questions posed in the bestselling "The Omn[...]
Michael Pollan and Maira Kalman come together to create an enhanced "Food Rules" for hardcover, now beautifully illustrated and with even more food wisdom. Michael Pollan's definitive compendium, "Food Rules," is here brought to colorful life with the addition of Maira Kalman's beloved illustrations[...]
" I]mportant, possibly life-altering, reading for every living, breathing human being." --"Boston Globe"
In "Cooked," Michael Pollan explores the previously uncharted territory of his own kitchen. Here, he discovers the enduring power of the four classical elements--fire, water, air, and earth-[...]
The New York Times Top Five Bestseller - Michael Pollan's uniquely enjoyable quest to understand the transformative magic of cooking. In a culture of celebrity chefs and food reality shows, in countries which are crammed with fresh ingredients flown in from every corner of the Earth, we nonetheless [...]
Recordings of all the pieces on ABRSM's 2013 & 2014 Grade 2 Piano syllabus. An innovative and valuable resource for candidates preparing for ABRSM Grade 2 Piano exam featuring inspiring performances by internationally-known pianists.[...]
Ät mat. I måttliga mängder. Huvudsakligen vegetabilier.
Med dessa sju ord slår Michael Pollan fast hur han anser att vi borde förhålla oss till mat.
Att mat och ätande skulle vara i behov av något försvar verkar kanske motsägelsefullt i en tid när övergödning fr[...]
Jos isoisoäiti menisi nykyaikaiseen markettiin, hän saattaisi palata sieltä tyhjin käsin. "Ruoankaltaiset ravintovalmisteet" ja kevyttuotekehitelmät ovat korvanneet oikean ruoan. Ja kumma kyllä, vaikka hän ei tiennyt mitään hivenaineista eikä hänellä ollut käytössään grammalleen laad[...]
Syömisen ei tarvitse olla monimutkaista, vaikka nykydieetit ja ravintosuositukset hankaloittavat niinkin yksinkertaista asiaa kuin ruokaa. Oikean ruoan ohjeet toivottaa yksinkertaisen syömisen jälleen tervetulleeksi.Kuuteenkymmeneenneljään syömiseen liittyvään ohjeeseen keskittyvä pieni teo[...]
Confucius called them the "king of fragrant plants," and John Ruskin condemned them as "prurient apparitions." Across the centuries, orchids have captivated us with their elaborate exoticism, their powerful perfumes, and their sublime seductiveness. But the disquieting beauty of orchids is an unplan[...]
In her wise and elegant new book, Jane Goodall blends her experience in nature with her enthusiasm for botany to give readers a deeper understanding of the world around us. Long before her work with chimpanzees, Goodall's passion for the natural world sprouted in the backyard of her childhood home i[...]
This book tackles an increasingly crucial question: What can we do about the seemingly intractable challenges confronting all of humanity today, including climate change, global hunger, water scarcity, environmental stress, and economic instability? The quick answers are: Build topsoil. Fix creeks. [...]
Syömisen ei tarvitse olla monimutkaista, vaikka nykydieetit ja ravintosuositukset hankaloittavat niinkin yksinkertaista asiaa kuin ruokaa. Oikean ruoan ohjeet toivottaa yksinkertaisen syömisen jälleen tervetulleeksi.
Kuuteenkymmeneenneljään syömiseen liittyvään ohjeeseen keskittyv[...]