Bomber Command's air offensive against the cities of Nazi Germany was one of the most epic campaigns of World War II. More than 56,000 British and Commonwealth aircrew and 600,000 Germans died in the course of the RAF's attempt to win the war by bombing. The struggle in the air began meekly in 1939 [...]
Max Hastings grew up with romantic dreams of a life amongst warriors. But after his failure as a parachute soldier in Cyprus in 1963, he became a journalist instead. Before he was 30 he had reported conflicts in Northern Ireland, Biafra, Vietnam, Cambodia, the Middle East, Cyprus, Rhodesia, India an[...]
Faces of World War II pays tribute to all who fought and died, and won and lost for greater human rights and freedom. Structured by year, the book includes images of the major events from Blitzkrieg to the Battle of Britain, from the invasion of Poland to Pearl Harbor. With over 17 million people pe[...]
Kampen om Tyskland forteller om den andre verdenskrig - slik virkelig krig er - da tyskerne ble presset fra skanse til skanse både fra øst og vest i krigens siste fase. Max Hastings tar leserne med ut på slagmarken og ned i skyttergravene! Her skildres bl. a. slagene ved Arnhem og i Ardennene - o[...]
Ison-Britannian pääministeri Winston Churchill on kaikkien aikojen suurimpia sotapäälliköitä. Hänen jääräpäinen peräänantamattomuutensa Hitlerin toimia kohtaan ja Yhdysvaltain taivuttaminen taisteluun Euroopasta ovat ansioita vailla vertaa. Tämä kirja on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen Ch[...]
Ultra -- the code word for the greatest secret of World War II -- was the method by which the Allies intercepted German radio transmissions and broke their coded contents. But how was this information transmitted to the battlefield? Author Ronald Lewin was the first historian to utilize actual Ultra[...]