Writing in fragments is often held to be one of the most distinctive signature effects of Romantic, modern, and postmodern literature. But what is the fragment, and what may be said to be its literary, philosophical, and political significance? Few writers have explored these questions with such pro[...]
This long awaited reprint of a book about which John Hollander wrote: "A masterful version of one of the most remarkable novels in any language since World War II," is the story of the narrator's relations with two women, one terminally ill, the other found motionless by him in a darkened room after[...]
Our sensory relationships with the social and biological world have altered appreciably as a result of recent developments in internet and other mobile communication technologies. We now look at a screen, we touch either the screen or a keyboard in response to what we see and, somehow, an element of[...]
Maurice Blanchot
Maurice Blanchots (1907-2003) filosofiska verk är förhållandevis okända i Sverige, trots att ett flertal kända franska filosofer har tagit djupa intryck av honom. I hans egen generation gäller det Levinas och Bataille och i den poststrukturalistiska generationen Derrida, Foucault, Lyotard, Del[...]
Maurice Blanchot (1907-2003) varen av efterkrigstidens viktigaste fransa författare och kritiker men fortfarande märkligt lite känd i Sverige. I Blanchots essäer utkristalliseras många av de föreställningar om skrivandet och läsandet som legat till grund för den moderna franska textteorin.<[...]