Ny utgåva av en av Roald Dahls allra bästa böcker, den om Matilda, geniet med övernaturliga krafter, som sätter de onda på plats. Illustrerad av Quentin Blake.[...]
Sedan Berlinmurens fall 1989 har de östeuropeiska länderna genomgått komplicerade stats- och nationsbyggnadsprocesser. I Det nya Östeuropa - stat och nation i förändring belyser forskare från olika discipliner dessa processer i elva länder: Lettland, Moldavien, Polen, Rumänien, Ryssland, Se[...]
Säkenöivän romaanin sankaritar Matilda, herkkä ihmelapsi ja suoranainen nero, päättää pelastaa opettajansa hirviömäisen rehtorin kynsistä. Kuvittanut Quentin Blake.[...]
Crack Mr Wormwood's secret code, guide Matilda to Miss Honey's house and find the Trunchbull's meanest words! Matilda is one of Roald Dahl's most magical creations, and now she has her very own sticker book, packed full of fun activities and classic Quentin Blake artwork.[...]
In this State Standards-aligned Literature Kit(TM), we divide the novel by chapters or sections and feature reading comprehension and vocabulary questions. In every chapter, we include Before You Read and After You Read questions. The Before You Read activities prepare students for reading by settin[...]
ABOUT THE BOOK Roald Dahl is considered by many to be one of the best children's writers of the 20th century. Just a few of his most famous works include, James and the Giant Peach, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Matilda, The Witches and The BFG. Dahl was a fantastically imaginative writer, whos[...]
ResumenExpress.com presenta y analiza en esta guia de lectura la novela juvenil Matilda de Roald Dahl, el escritor para ninos mas querido en el mundo. La historia narra la vida de una nina curiosa y superdotada, con unos padres mediocres que no se preocupan por ella. Matilda tiene poderes telequinet[...]