In the last two days of his own life, Peter Carson completed these new translations of The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Confession before he succumbed to cancer in January 2013. Carson, the eminent British publisher, editor, and translator who, in the words of his author Mary Beard, had probably more in[...]
In the last two days of his life, Peter Carson completed these translations of The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Confession before he succumbed to cancer. Carson, the eminent publisher, editor and translator who, in the words of Mary Beard, "had probably more influence on the literary landscape of [Brita[...]
Pompeji är med över två miljoner besökare per år Italiens mest frekventerade fornminne eller turistattraktion. Staden som begravdes i Vesuvius utbrott år 79 e.Kr. är kanske den mest kända romerska platsen över huvud taget.
Många känner sig kallade att skriva om denna spännand[...]