This skillfully crafted work...combines acute theoretical insight, deep understanding of a wide variety of typologically different languages, and impressive lucidity. It is a wonderful and valuable achievement. "--Noam Chomsky. Whether all human languages are fundamentally the same or different has [...]
This book provides the tools to set appropriate boundaries to your relationships and heal wounds of victimization.[...]
" "Highly recommended for high school, college, or university libraries. And since readers with no scientific background would also find the information fascinating, the book would be a great addition to the circulating collections in public libraries.""
-- Library Journal "100 Most Important S[...]
Nobody knows Romania like Lonely Planet. With our 5th edition you can discover the gruesome truth about the 'real' Dracula at Poienari Citadel, escape to Marmures where horse-drawn carts transport you to villages steeped in local customs, or experience the spectacle of mass migration on a Danube Del[...]
OVER 2 MILLIONER SOLGTE! Ønsker du å nå frem og bli lyttet til av menneskene rundt deg? Denne internasjonale bestselgeren knytter nylige funn i psykologisk forskning opp mot en verdifull samling praktiske eksempler basert på 2000 år gammel visdom. Boken vil hjelpe deg til å kommunisere effekti[...]
Är Gud ett moraliskt monster?
Är religiösa människor mentalt sjuka?
Är religion och vetenskap oförenliga?
Ja, åtminstone om man ska tro den nyateistiska rörelsen med Richard Dawkins i spetsen. Med flera storsäljande böcker har nyatei[...]