For as long as people have developed new technologies, there has been debate over the purposes, shape, and potential for their use. In this exciting collection, a range of contributors, including Sherry Turkle, Lynn Spigel, John Perry Barlow, Langdon Winner, David Nye, and Lord Asa Briggs, discuss t[...]
Everyone knows that Amy and Dan are made for each other. So when they announce their engagement their families are over the moon, especially Amy's mother Helen. What could be more exciting than planning a daughter's wedding?[...]
Everyone knows that Amy and Dan are made for each other. So when they announce their engagement their families are over the moon, especially Amy's mother Helen. What could be more exciting than planning a daughter's wedding? But as the countdown to the Big Day begins, and mother and daughter throw t[...]
Alice loves to cook. She believes the secret of good food is to cook with passion. Her love affair with cookery has taken her from her parents' seaside hotel, to Paris and then one of Dublin's finest restaurants. Then she marries Liam, and is happy to hang up her chef's hat and cook for her family a[...]
Kate Cassidy is about to celebrate twenty five years of marriage to Paddy. But the secret she has kept all this time is about to be discovered. Erin Harris has always known that she is different from the rest of her family. Over the years she has begun to put the pieces together and now she has to d[...]
Molly's perfect life comes crashing down following the unexpected death of her husband David. She is left alone with a big old house to maintain, finances in disarray and her hopes for happiness in a heap. But Molly is a survivor. Despite objections from her two daughters, Molly fears that the only [...]
Molly's perfect life comes crashing down following the unexpected death of her husband David. She is left alone with a big old house to maintain, finances in disarray and her hopes for happiness in a heap. But Molly is a survivor. Despite objections from her two daughters, Molly fears that the only [...]
Lars Noren is generally considered Sweden's greatest playwright since August Strindberg. He has written about 75 plays that combine humor, a powerful emotional impact and the search for new forms of expression, which are regularly performed throughout the Nordic and European countries. Although his[...]
I Lykksalighet skildres et skjebnesvangert møte mellom den anerkjente anestesilegen Hannah Lote og hennes pasient E. J. Herman. Handlingen er lagt til Nord-Norge og strekker seg over noen avgjørende vintermåneder. Marita Fossum tegner nådeløse portretter av to mennesker som motarbeider seg sel[...]
Adrian har gått gjennom livet uten at det har satt dype spor. Han er barnløs, i femtiårene, med tre ekteskap bak seg, og en ledende stilling i offentlig sektor. Hver onsdag, helg og ellers alle ferier og høytidsdager tilbringer han med kjæresten Helen. Forholdet deres er definert og kontrollert[...]
På Sky Bar midt i Frankfurts flunkende finansdistrikt, på eksklusive stjernerestauranter og atmosfærefyldte biergärten i München og avantgardekunst for fuld udblæsning i Stuttgart. Foruden spændende storbyoplevelser rummer Sydtyskland også store klassiske kulturoplevelser med barok og bevari[...]
Den här MP3-boken bjuder dig på en underbar resa inom dig själv. Guidad av Maritas behagliga röst och Marcos sköna musik tillsammans med naturljud kan du njuta av en egen stund av ro. Hämta ny kraft från naturen, fåglarna och den sagolika musiken. Skapa inre balans och harmoni. Öka din ener[...]
Ingalill Snitt är en egensinnig fotograf. Med sitt alldeles egna sätt att se och välja motiv har hon tillsammans med Marita Jonsson rest i Sverige på jakt efter den svenska själen. Finns den i vår arkitektur? I vår känsla för form och design? I vår kärlek till naturen? Svaret är inte ent[...]
Vår vackraste bok om Stockholm kommer nu även på engelska.
När Ellie Matthews mamma dör står hon plötsligt som ensam ansvarig för hennes gamla hattaffär i hjärtat av Dublin. Men förändringens vindar blåser över Irland och hattbranschen är onekligen ett osäkert kort - vem köper egentligen en hatt i dag? Dessutom vill ett företagskonglomerat ri[...]
"Det finns inget skönare i denna värld än ett lyckat äktenskapsmäkleri."
Emma Woodhouse i Jane Austens roman Emma
"Maggie Ryan tyckte att hon hade parat ihop saker och ting hela livet. Från enkla saker som sockor och underkläder i lådor och tvättkorgar, dukningar och menyer[...]