Roman secondary education aimed principally at training future lawyers and politicians. Under the late Republic and the Empire, the main instrument was an import from Greece: declamation, the making of practice speeches on imaginary subjects. There were two types of such speeches: "controversiae" on[...]
Roman secondary education aimed principally at training future lawyers and politicians. Under the late Republic and the Empire, the main instrument was an import from Greece: declamation, the making of practice speeches on imaginary subjects. There were two types of such speeches: "controversiae" on[...]
Seneca is a figure of first importance in both Roman politics and literature: a leading adviser to Nero who attempted to restrain the emperor's megalomania; a prolific moral philosopher; and the author of verse tragedies that strongly influenced Shakespeare and other Renaissance dramatists. Here is [...]
Seneca is a figure of first importance in both Roman politics and literature: a leading adviser to Nero who attempted to restrain the emperor's megalomania; a prolific moral philosopher; and the author of verse tragedies that strongly influenced Shakespeare and other Renaissance dramatists. This vol[...]
This edition concentrates on literary and thematic aspects of the play. Edited by Harry M Hine.
Was der römische Philosoph über Hektik und Gelassenheit, über den Umgang mit der Zeit und eine weise Lebensführung zu sagen hat ? Wie gemacht für unsere Zeit.[...]
Tekster af den romerske filosof, digter og statsmand Seneca, der levede samtidig med Jesus, og hvis liv var under stærk indflydelse af det politiske klima i datidens Rom - og omvendt. Det er Villy Sørensen, der står bag udvalget af teksterne:
Om vrede blev sandsynligvis publicer[...]
Villy Sørensen har oversat denne klassiske bog om livets korthed - et evigtgyldigt faktum, som Seneca vil lære os at forstå, acceptere og få det mest muligt positive ud af.[...]
Senecan etiikkaa ja moraalia käsittelevä Kirjeet Luciliukselle (Epistulae morales ad Lucilium) on hänen filosofisen tuotantonsa kirkkain helmi ja kosmopoliittinen ihmisrakkauden testamenttinsa. Näissä ystävälleen viimeisinä vuosinaan osoittamissaan - epämuodollisissa mutta retorisesti loist[...]
Senecaa - roomalaista valtiomiestä, kirjailijaa ja stoalaista filosofia - voisi kutsua "antiikin Rooman Shakespeareksi", "varhaisen keisarikauden Tolkieniksi" tai "keisari Neron ajan Stephen Kingiksi". Medeia ja Thyestes - hänen kenties kuuluisimmat näytelmänsä - ovat täynnä fantasiaa, magiaa[...]