This exciting new book is the follow-up to Irigaray's "The Way of Love", arguably her most important and widely-discussed work to date.In this important new book, a follow up to "The Way of Love", Luce Irigaray, one of France's most influential contemporary theorists, turns once again to the concept[...]
Luce Irigaray: Teaching explores ways to confront new issues in education. Three essays byIrigaray herself present the outcomes of her own experiments in this area and develop proposals for teaching people how to coexist in difference, reach self-affection, and rethink the relations between teachers[...]
Filosofen, lingvisten och psykoanalytikern Luce Irigaray är en av Frankrikes mest originella teoretiker. Könsskilladens etik och andra texter omfattar de viktigaste essäerna och artiklar ur författarens produktion under de senaste femton åren och utgör en utmärkt introduktion till hennes poli[...]