Politiska fångar på Långholmen 18801950
Världen över förföljs och straffas idag politiskt och fackligt aktiva, journalister och oppositionella. Även i Sverige har ett statligt maskineri av lagstiftning, rättsväsende och säkerhetspolis under perioder satts in mot dem som utmåla[...]
"Fredssoldater" är temat för Armémuseums årsbok, en extra stor volym för de två åren 2008/2009.
Lång väntan där ingenting händer och hjälpande insatser i svårt härjade krigsområden är olika sidor av en fredssoldats uppdrag.
På Försvarsmaktens hemsida sägs det[...]
Movement, dispersal, and migration on land, in the air, and in water, are pervading features of animal life. They are performed by a huge variety of organisms, from the smallest protozoans to the largest whales, and can extend over widely different distance scales, from the microscopic to global. In[...]
A new edition of this revealing and incisive account of the incredible inside workings of hedge funds. Shedding light on the incredible inside workings of hedge funds, this book charts the interminable rise of Holte Capital from 2002 to 2008, explaining what it was like to run a hedge fund in a peri[...]
This magnificent volume is a clear and comprehensive review of the African mammalian fossil record over the past 65 million years. "Cenozoic Mammals of Africa" includes current taxonomic and systematic revisions of all African mammal taxa, detailed compilations of fossil site occurrences, and a weal[...]
Anthony Giddens is one of the world's most prominent and prolific sociologists, and yet his ideas often prove difficult for the beginning student of sociology. This is the first introduction to the work of Giddens, including the major part of his sociological and social theoretical project. The firs[...]
Radical democracy brings together original contributions from established and emerging scholars. The contributors discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the two dominant approaches to radical democracy: theories of abundance inspired by Gilles Deleuze and theories of lack inspired by [...]
Available at last in paperback, Radical democracy brings together original contributions from established and emerging scholars. The contributors discuss the theoretical and practical implications of the two dominant approaches to radical democracy: theories of abundance inspired by Gilles Deleuze a[...]
Hannah Arendt and Theodor W. Adorno, two of the most influential political philosophers and theorists of the twentieth century, were contemporaries with similar interests, backgrounds, and a shared experience of exile. Yet until now, no book has brought them together. In this first comparative study[...]
Interest in the history of the workplace is on the rise. Recent work in this area has combined traditional methods and theories of social history with new approaches and new questions. It constitutes a 'topical contact zone', a particularly dynamic field of research at the junction of social history[...]
"Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery" is a comprehensive reference for all trainees and specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral surgery, and surgical dentistry. This landmark new resource draws together current research, practice and developments in the field, as expressed by world authoritie[...]
WEST IS A CREATIVE LOOK AT THE ROMANCE and design of the American West. It captures the true spirit of America-and its forces of nature. It embraces the notion that the republic should not be thought of as the center of the world but rather as the drifter that still tries to get away.[...]
Lars Noren is generally considered Sweden's greatest playwright since August Strindberg. He has written about 75 plays that combine humor, a powerful emotional impact and the search for new forms of expression, which are regularly performed throughout the Nordic and European countries. Although his[...]
En generaldirektør med ansvar for svensk våpeneksport, blir funnet hengt i sin leilighet på Østermalm. Samtidig blir en ung kvinne funnet druknet om bord på en fritidsbåt som driver rundt i Stockholms skjærgård. Et fotografi blir bindeledd mellom de to sakene, men politimann Joona Linna må [...]
Nå kommer bøkene om Dyrepasserne i Kristiansand!
Disse bøkene tar for seg fascinerende og rørende historier fra dyrepassernes arbeid. I tillegg er bøkene spekket med spennende fakta om dyrene og det viktige arbeidet med å verne truede dyrearter.
I Dyrepasserne - Oranguta[...]
Et uhyggelig mord skjer på en institusjon for «vanskelige» tenåringsjenter. Ingen har sett noe. Ingen vil fortelle noe. Sporene fører Joonna Linna i retning av Vicky, som forsvant samme natt som mordet. Samtidig ringer det spiritistiske mediet Flora Hansen til politiet. Først vil hun ha penger[...]
Slektsgransking er en en kilde til kunnskap om dine forfedre, hvordan de levde og kanskje har påvirket deg gjennom generasjoner. Boka gir deg en grundig innføring i hvordan du skal gå fram og viktig kildemateriell som finnes i de forskjellige arkivene viet betydelig plass. Våre røtter er den me[...]
"Hvalfall" har hvalskjelettet nærmest som et reisverk. Rundt dette reisverket har Raavand utviklet et særegent univers, oversjøisk og undersjøisk. Undersjøisk går han inn på den spesifikke åtselfloraen og faunaen som hvalskjelettet er bolig for. Over sjøen er tekstene forankret i et landska[...]