As the single work at the heart of Christianity, the world's largest organized religion, the Bible is the spiritual guide for one out of every three people in the world. The Bible is also the world's most widely distributed book. Translated into over two thousand languages, it is estimated that more[...]
No religion in the modern world is as feared and misunderstood as Islam. It haunts the popular Western imagination as an extreme faith that promotes authoritarian government, female oppression, civil war, and terrorism. Karen Armstrong's short history offers a vital corrective to this narrow view. T[...]
Hebrews marks a parting of the ways for Jews and Christians of the first century. It makes a case for the superiority of the new Christian 'faith' over old Hebrew orthodoxy and draws on the Old Testament for precedents for Jesus's ministry and to paint a picture of Jesus. With an introduction by Kar[...]
The war years, the loss of territory, the resettlement of the Karelian population, and the reparations paid to the Allied Forces, were experiences shared by most people living in Finland between 1939 and the late 1950s. Using a family's memoirs, the author shows how these traumatic events affected p[...]
"The Bible is the most widely distributed book in the world. Translated into over two thousand languages, it is estimated that more than six billion copies have been sold in the last two hundred years alone. In this seminal account, Karen Armstrong traces the gestation of the Bible to reveal a compl[...]
An investigation into the history of myth, this book takes us from the Palaeolithic period and the mythology of the hunters to the 'Great Western Transformation'. It shows us that the history of myth is the history of humanity, and our stories and beliefs, our curiosity and attempts to understand th[...]
In the public mind, Islam is a religion of extremes: it is the world's fastest growing faith; more than three-quarters of the world's refugees are Islamic; it has produced government by authoritarian monarchies in Saudi Arabia and ultra-republicans in Iran. Whether we are reading about civil war in [...]
Most people in the West know very little about the prophet Muhammad. The acclaimed religious writer Karen Armstrong has written a biography which will give us a more accurate and profound understanding of Islam and the people who adhere to it so strongly. Muhammad also offers challenging comparisons[...]
From the Jewish practice of Midrash and the Christian cult of Jesus; to the influence of Paul's letters on the Reformation and the manipulation of Revelations by Christian fundamentalism, the author explores the contexts in which these sixty-six books were understood and explains the social needs th[...]
Argues that historically atheism has rarely been a denial of the sacred itself but has nearly always rejected a particular conception of God. Tracing the history of faith since the Palaeolithic Age, this work shows that until recently there was no warfare between science and religion.[...]
Drawing on a wide range of material - ranging from the spiritual character of the world religions to the findings of contemporary neuroscience - Karen Armstrong argues that compassion is hardwired into our brains, yet is constantly pushed back by our more primitive instincts for selfishness and surv[...]
It is the most persistent myth of our time: religion is the cause of all violence. But history suggests otherwise. Karen Armstrong, former Roman Catholic nun and one of our foremost scholars of religion, speaks out to disprove the link between religion and bloodshed. The West today has a warped conc[...]
El Islam es, probablemente, la religion mas incomprendida y malinterpretada de la modernidad. Una curiosa ignorancia prevalece en Occidente desde las cruzadas, cuando empezo a cultivarse una vision distorsionada del Islam como una religion violenta e intolerante. Sin embargo, los imperios islamicos [...]
Er den moderne Gud blevet utroværdig? Har Gud nogen fremtid i forhold til nutidens videnskabelige rationalisme? I denne bog viser Karen Armstrong, at vi ved kreativ brug af fortidens indsigter kan opbygge en tro, der taler direkte ind i vor polariserede nutid.
Karen Armstrong modtog i 2008 F[...]
Med udgivelsen af Mytens historie indledes et af de største internationale udgivelsesprojekter nogensinde. Med 38 forlag fra hele verden som udgivere samler Myteserien nogle af verdens fineste forfattere, der hver især genfortæller en myte efter eget valg. Forfatterne omfatter for[...]
Trots att empati är en medfödd egenskap hos människor menar Karen Armstrong att vi kan bli ännu bättre på det. Vi kan öva oss i att öka vår medkänsla.
I sin tänkvärda, rättframma och kloka bok 12 steg till ett liv i medkänsla presenterar hon en liten kurs i konsten att bli m[...]
Varför har Gud blivit så svår att tro på? Karen Armstrong tar historien till hjälp för att besvara frågorna vad det
är som talar för Gud och vad religion egentligen handlar om. Hon menar att det har uppstått en klyfta mellan religion och vetenskap, orsakad av att vetenskapen har[...]
Entisen nunnan, maailmankuulun uskontotieteilijän käytännönläheinen opas parempaan elämään.Myötätunto on viritetty aivoihimme perusominaisuudeksi. Silti siitä vievät jatkuvasti voiton itsekkyys ja muut selviytymiskamppailussa kultaakin kalliimmaksi koetut kovat arvot. "Kohtele muita niin[...]
This book is about how to give outstanding feedback to patients, their family members, and other professionals. Effective feedback sessions have the potential to help patients understand their neurocognitive syndromes in the larger context of their real world environments and in a manner that positi[...]