Nonhuman bone identification must occur quickly so that law enforcement and researchers can focus on more important tasks. Such skills may take years to learn for non-experts, and some identifications require direct sample comparisons. This book provides scale photos of nonhuman bones that are typic[...]
Samuel Johnson v. The Devil, Round II. Ask not for whom the bell tolls. Just start running.
In the spirit of her blockbuster #1 "New York Times" bestseller "The Happiness Project, " Gretchen Rubin embarks on a new project to make home a happier place.
One Sunday afternoon, as she unloaded the dishwasher, Gretchen Rubin felt hit by a wave of homesickness. Homesick--why? She was standing[...]
In this clever and quirky follow-up to The Gates and "The Infernals," Samuel Johnson's life seems to have finally settled down--after all, he's still got the company of his faithful dachshund Boswell and his bumbling demon friend Nurd; he has foiled the dreaded forces of darkness not once but twice;[...]
In this delightfully imaginative novel, once again, hell threatens to break loose as Samuel Johnson and his ragtag group of friends must defend their town from shadowy forces more threatening than ever before...
In this clever and quirky follow-up to "The Gates" and "The Infernals," Samuel Johns[...]
The 22-year old James Boswell first met Johnson, who was then aged 54, in 1763. Nine years later he wrote in his journal of his 'constant plan to write the life of Mr Johnson'. Boswell was tireless in his search for authenticated proof, and his training as a lawyer helped him sift the evidence of fr[...]
The most celebrated English biography is a group portrait in which extraordinary man paints the picture of a dozen more. At the centre of a brilliant circle which included Burke, Reynolds, Garrick, Fanny Burney and even George III, Boswell captures the powerful, troubled and witty figure of Samuel J[...]
In the English language, swearing is essential to effective communication. Whether you want to succeed in business, school, or social circles, a strong command of vocabulary is absolutely necessary. English as a Second F***ing Language (ESF*L) is the perfect way for both nonnative speakers to learn [...]
Ny bok om lykke fra forfatteren av den internasjonale bestselgeren Lykkeprosjektet! Denne gangen har Gretchen Rubin gått enda nærmere kjernen, nemlig til lykken vi alle ønsker å oppleve hjemme hos oss selv med familiene våre. Gretchen spør seg selv: Hvordan kan jeg oppdra lykkelige barn? Hvo[...]
Richard Savage (1697-1743) är en av det engelska 1700-talets mest gåtfulla gestalter. Romantiken och mystiken kring hans öde gjorde honom till en legend. Var han som han själv påstod av ädel börd, en oäkta son till earl Rivers? Var kvinnan han förföljde, först av kärlek och sedan av hat,[...]