It has long been one of the most fundamental problems of philosophy, and it is now, John Searle writes, "the most important problem in the biological sciences" What is consciousness? Is my inner awareness of myself something separate from my body?
In what began as a series of essays in The New Y[...]
In the study of language, as in any other systematic study, there is no neutral terminology. Every technical term is an expression of the assumptions and theoretical presuppositions of its users; and in this introduction, we want to clarify some of the issues that have surrounded the assumptions beh[...]
John Searle, en av samtidens mest betydelsefulla språkfilosofer, undersöker i Konstruktionen av den sociala verkligheten vad vår värld egentligen består av. Pengar, äktenskap, egendom, styrelseskick - det är alltsammans fenomen som existerar endast i kraft av mänskliga överenskommelser, de [...]