"This is a series of stories of what it looks like to walk with God, over the course of about a year." So begins a remarkable narrative of one man's journey learning to hear the voice of God. The details are intimate and personal. The invitation is for us all. What if we could hear from God . . . of[...]
John Eldredge offers an inside look into the conversations between father and son, answering questions and sharing lessons about love, money, work, God, and life. Who came up with the notion that the day you graduate from college you are a fully developed adult stepping into a wonderful and fully de[...]
A personal guide, which is useful for small groups or individual, that allows you to track your thoughts and progress as you read John and Sam Eldredge's "Killing Lions." Men need something to do, a specific task, simple steps that give them a sense of competence or mastery. Men learn by doing. The [...]
Talk to Him. Hear From Him. Really. 'Walking With God' moves through a year in the life of John Eldredge showing and teaching what an intimate relationship with God looks like day to day.[...]
We don't usually identify with the author of a great story. Instead we bond with the hero and heroine -- the ones that the story is about. We share in their heartaches and triumphs. We cheer their accomplishments and mourn their losses.When we think about our own story, we may see God as the author-[...]
Fierce. Dangerous. Wild. Available for the first time in a package of DVDs, the "Wild at" "Heart: ""A Band of Brothers" "Small Group Video Series" will become the catalyst study groups use to help them discover how God defines authentic masculinity. John Eldredge and his band of brothers invite you [...]
Do you want to feel whole - but too often, feel pulled in different directions? Do you want to be holy - but think it's beyond you? We tend to associate holiness with striving and restriction - but what if a holy life were really about being set free from all our burdens? In THE UTTER RELIEF OF HOLI[...]
What a relief it would be to be set free from all that plagues us -- the inner struggle with anger, or contempt, the habitual sins. Is such an experience possible? John Eldredge believes it is, and in THE UTTER RELIEF OF HOLINESS, he shows readers how they can be that free, through the healing work [...]
""Reading the Gospels without knowing the personality of Jesus is like watching television with the sound turned off. The result is a dry, two dimensional person doing strange, undecipherable things. But when we discover his true character-this man who made the wind, music and flying squirrels-sudde[...]
What a relief it would be to be set free from all that plagues us -- the inner struggle with anger, or contempt, the habitual sins. Is such an experience possible? John Eldredge believes it is, and in THE UTTER RELIEF OF HOLINESS, he shows readers how they can be that free, through the healing work [...]
Hele dagen tar vi valg. Det blir til en enorm mengde avgjørelser i løpet av et liv. Hvordan skal vi vite hva vi skal gjøre? Vi har to muligheter. Vi kan traske fremover på egen hånd, mens vi gjør vårt beste for å finne ut av tingene. Eller vi kan vandre med Gud. I betydningen lære å høre [...]
Varje man har en gång varit pojke. Och varje liten pojke har drömmar, stora drömmar. Han drömmer om att vara hjälte, att besegra skurkarna, att utföra farofyllda bedrifter och att rädda jungfrun i nöd. Varje liten flicka har också drömmar. Hon drömmer om att bli räddad av sin prins och i[...]
Ensimmäisessä suomennetussa teoksessaan John Eldredge käsittelee unelmia, joita jokaisella meillä on. Mutta mitä unelmille tapahtuu aikuisuudessa? Missä ovat seurakunnan miehekkäät sankari ja naiselliset naiset? Humoristisella tyylillään Eldredge pohdiskelee aitoa miehisyyttä ja naiseutta[...]
Kirja käsittelee avioliiton ongelmia ja hyviä puolia. Sisältö on vahvasti raamatullista, mutta käytännönläheiset ja arkiset, kaunistelemattomat esimerkit sekä keventävät että selventävät tekstiä. Kirja on myös vahvasti evankelioiva.Vaikka Eldgredget pureutuvat parisuhteen kipeisiinki[...]