Djungelkungen är en berättelse om ett litet troll som tar med sig barnen på en geografiresa till andra länder. Där hälsar man på hos en kusin till Djungelkungen som visar vilka djur det finns i landet och andra spännande saker.[...]
DET ÄR ETT MÄRKLIGT ÅR i Betlehem. När rövarflickan Lea flyr in till den lilla staden har hon ingen aning om alla de äventyr som väntar henne. Snart kommer Jesusbarnet att födas och Lea får uppleva allt på nära håll. Den första julen är en nu närmast klassisk adventsberättels[...]
Den här guiden visar steg för steg hur du går från att söka arbete till att tacka ja till ett nytt jobb. Det är med arbete som med pengar eller skolan: alla har en relation till ämnet och en åsikt. Vi struntar i åsikterna och har istället skrivit en praktisk bok som hjälper dig att öka d[...] är en av landets största sajter för nyproducerad humor som genast blev uppmärksammad och välbesök när den startade i januari 2010. Bilder, sånger, texter, videos, seriestrippar och podradioavsnitt publiceras dagligen i bloggform med en ton som är hög och låg, personlig och [...]
Maskinblod 2 är en antologi med svenska science fiction- och fantastiknoveller. Här finns nya berättelser från några av våra främsta sf- och fantastikförfattare, men också ett par äldre historier ur den svenska fantastikskatten.
"I 'Maskinblod 2' finns många exempel på välskrivna[...]
Elbasisternas egen bibel! Innehåller:
?Basens historia
?Porträtt av ett hundratal kända basister
?Grundläggande spelteknik
?Specialtekniker (slapping, tapping etc)
Utilizes a three-pronged framework to organize the discussion of how to conduct global business: Foreign Entry, Local Marketing, and Global Management. This title develops the varied skills a marketing manager needs to be successful in each of these tasks. It focuses on material that is relevant to [...]
Death has long been a pre-occupation of philosophers, and this is especially so today. The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Death collects 21 newly commissioned essays that cover current philosophical thinking of death-related topics across the entire range of the discipline. These include metaphysi[...]
Sociology is a constantly changing scientific endeavour, adventure and practice that was born with the advent of modernity. One of the main reasons for the rise of sociology was modern societys wish to understand itself. In this introduction to sociology, the authors emphasize the importance a[...]
The early years are an important period for learning, but the questions surrounding participatory learning amongst toddlers remain under-examined. This book presents the latest theoretical and research perspectives about how ECEC (Early Childhood Education and Care) contexts promote democracy and ci[...]
Translated and adapted from a Swedish original, Work without Boundaries: Psychological Perspectives on the New Working Life tackles the human impact of the changing nature of work.[...]
Print production requires designers be familiar with graphic design, typography, illustration, editing, workflow management, materials, proofing, mechanical and photographic outputs, prepress processing, paper, color, manufacturing, and distribution. "A Guide to Graphic Print Production" covers all [...]
Now completely revised to reflect the latest technology and trends, A Guide to Graphic Print Production, Second Edition is the complete guide to the entire process of print production, from early stages of conception and planning, to the technical stages of manufacturing and off press processing.[...]
* Over 350 tables and graphs show the frequency of constructions in different contexts, from conversation to fiction to academic prose * Entirely corpus-based with 6000 authentic examples from the 40 million-word Longman Spoken and Written English Corpus * Suggests the reasons why we choose a partic[...]
In "The Click Moment", Frans Johansson, author of "The Medici Effect", shows how to stay ahead when you can't predict the future Success is random. And there are a number of things that we can do to capture this randomness and focus it in our favour. According to bestselling author Frans Johansson s[...]
In The Click Moment, Frans Johansson, author of The Medici Effect, shows how to stay ahead when you can't predict the future Success is random. But we can capture this randomness and turn it in our favour. According to bestselling author Frans Johansson, planning and careful analysis no longer guara[...]
This introductory book centres on a collection of original Pali Buddhist texts, each selected to represent a formulation of a Buddhist idea. There are detailed explanations of technical terms, vocabularies, translations and commentaries for each text, and a chapter comparing Pali with Sanskrit.[...]
Freddy Fixer lives at the end of a road with his boxer dog, Bouncer. Here they enjoy collecting all sorts of gadgets and thingumabobs. Freddy has an urge to see what is at the other end of his road. In order to do so he must create some form of transportation. But something is missing. After assembl[...]
Build robust, scalable search solutions to fit the way your business worksDeliver powerful search tools to your clients--using Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint. Led by three search experts, you'll learn how to deliver advanced intranet search capabilities and build custom, search-dri[...]
Ingmar Johansson's right hand-dubbed oThe Hammer of Thoro-was the most fearsome in boxing, and Johansson's three fights with Floyd Patterson rank among the sport's classic rivalries. Yet most fans know little about the Swedish playboy who won the world heavyweight championship with a shocking third [...]