First installment in a series about an endearingly clumsy young private eye, who scoots around Paris on his motorbike, more Will Ferrell than Humphrey Bogart. Translated into English for the first time Wearing an old trenchcoat and his indispensable felt hat, the 20-year-old Jerome tries to look th[...]
The youthful private-eye-in-training returns. This time he's off tothe French countryside, eager to solve his first real case. Unfortunately,he's more Clouseau than Spade.Jerome gets his first true case whenhe receives an emergency summons from the Baron de Verville, who claims his lifeis in danger.[...]
Edited, Introduced and Annotated by Cedric Watts, M.A., Ph.D., Emeritus Professor of English, University of Sussex. Three Men in a Boat is a comic classic. When it first appeared in 1889 it became a best seller, and has remained popular ever since. This motley novel has not only been translated into[...]
Relates the adventures and mishaps of three late-Victorian gentlemen and a dog on holiday on the Thames. With picaresque digressions and asides, Jerome depicts the group's attempts to keep themselves afloat and cope with the English weather.[...]
Presented in a book and a CD pack, this semi-autobiographical title recounts the many adventures and mishaps of George (George Wingrave), Harris (Carl Hentschel), J. (the author and narrator) and his remarkable dog, Montmorency, during a boating trip on the Thames in the late 19th century.[...]
Ein Klassiker des englischen Humors - die Tücke des Objekts wird zum obersten Prinzip, wenn drei männliche Hypochonder samt ihrem neurotischen Foxterrier Montmorency eine zweiwöchige Fahrt mit dem Ruderboot auf der Themse machen.[...]
Humoristisk skildring af en sommerferietur på Themsen