Network Calculus is a set of recent developments that provide deep insights into flow problems encountered in the Internet and in intranets. The first part of the book is a self-contained, introductory course on network calculus. It presents the core of network calculus, and shows how it can be appl[...]
In recent years, the Fourier analysis methods have expereinced a growing interest in the study of partial differential equations. In particular, those techniques based on the Littlewood-Paley decomposition have proved to be very efficient for the study of evolution equations. The present book aims a[...]
Manu ja Mariette ovat päättäneet muuttaa elämäänsä ja asettuneet asumaan maalle. Elämä luonnon rauhassa on niin leppoisaa, että Mariette on alkanut haaveilla vauvasta ja Manu kasvimaasta, joka on paljon hiljaisempi ja hyödyllisempi kuin vauva. Oi, oma luomuvihannesviljelmä - voisiko sen [...]
Maaseudulle muuttaneen pariskunnan elämä muuttuu: Marietten maha kasvaa ja Manua hermostuttaa yhä enemmän. Tuoreille vanhemmille suunnatusta selviytymisoppaasta huolimatta Manu odottaa synnytystä stressaantuneena, kun taas tuleva äiti on tyynen rauhallinen.Maailman laveudesta on humoristista l[...]
Vaippapaketti on oiva päänalunen, kun väsynyt isä viimein saa unen päästä kiinni. Se kannattelee joella seilaavaa harhailijaa ja käy sisustuselementistä. Mutta niin hyvin kuin Manu yrittikin edellisessä Maallemuuttajat-albumissa opiskella vanhemmuuden selviytymiskeinoja, ei mikään olisi [...]
Are we alone in the Universe? Was there anything before the Big Bang? Are there other universes? What are sunspots? What is a shooting star? Was there ever life on Mars? This book answers the fascinating questions that we have been asking ourselves for hundreds of years. Using non-technical language[...]
An introduction to the fashion world and biographies, styles and impact of the most famous French designers. Along with general information about Fashion Week and the essential elements of design styles.Project Webster represents a new publishing paradigm, allowing disparate content sources to be cu[...]
The necropolis of Shah-e Zende represents a summit in the art of ceramic wall coverings in the Islamic world. Perched on a steep cliff overlooking the ancient city of Samarkand, today the ghost town of Afrasiyab, the necropolis remains largely unknown to art historians and the general public.As Shah[...]
This research monograph is a detailed account with complete proofs of rational homotopy theory for general non-simply connected spaces, based on the minimal models introduced by Sullivan in his original seminal article. Much of the content consists of new results, including generalizations of known [...]