A work based on 50 interviews with men and women - Chris Bonington, Mark McCormack, Terence Conran and Malcolm Forbes - who have been outstandingly successful in a variety of fields. It analyzes their different paths to success.[...]
Throughout history, people have searched for explanations to make sense of their lives. First there was magic and religion, then there was science; and somewhere in between was Freud. Freud's whole edifice was a masterwork of explanation, with sex at its core. He studied his own, often depressed, mi[...]
Den internasjonale bestselgeren som har hjulpet både bedrifter og skoleelever til å tenke bedre. Her i revidert og oppdatert utgave. Forfatterens hovedkonsepter - "de seks tenkehattene" og "parallell tenkning" - er på vei inn i organisasjoner over hele verden. I Norge brukes boken av Statoil samt[...]