The figure of my wife came came straight towards the bed...its wide eyes were open and looked at me with love unspeakable' Edith Nesbit, best known as the author of The Railway Children and other children's classics, was also the mistress of the ghost story and tales of terror. She was able[...]
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Edith Nesbit was an English author and poet; she wrote approximately 40 books of fiction for children. According to her biographer, Julia Briggs, Nesbit was ?[...]
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A dragon who flies out of a magical book; one whose purr quiets a fussy baby; another who eats an entire pack of tame hunting-hippopotamuses: These eight dragon tales are filled with the imaginative wit of children?s author Edith Nesbit.[...]
Edith Nesbit (1858-1924) was an English author and poet. Most famous as a children's book writer who influenced J. K. Rowling, C. S. Lewis, and P. L. Travers, Edith Nesbit has a second, darker reputation as the writer of some of the English language's most powerful supernatural horror. Nesbit's writ[...]