This widely used text uses a case-based approach to help students master the fundamentals of drug therapeutics. Students will learn the basics of common diseases and disorders and develop practical problem-solving skills for devising and implementing successful drug treatment regimens. Case studies [...]
According to the CDC, one in fifty American children is diagnosed as having an autism spectrum disorder. This means more school-aged children are entering classrooms with ASDs and teachers are being called upon to help facilitate their learning. Educating Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder[...]
Designed for younger children, aged between 2 and 8, this work contains a set of of activities emphasising foundation skills such as conversational reciprocity, for use by parents, and in schools and therapeutic settings. It includes over 300 objectives to plan and evaluate a child's progress.[...]
Social inclusion and participation have become policy mantras in the UK and Europe. As these concepts are being translated into policies and practice, it is a critical time to examine - and challenge - their interpretation, implementation and impacts. This book asks how far and in what way social in[...]
Kognitiv terapi vinder frem i disse år som en effektiv behandlingsmetode, både på de psykiatriske hospitalsafdelinger og i privat praksis. Men ikke alle psykiske lidelser responderer lige godt på kognitiv korttidsterapi. Det gælder ikke mindst personligheds-forstyrrelser. Til denne gr[...]
Skeematerapia on Jeffrey Youngin kehittämä psykoterapian muoto, josta saatu lupaavia tuloksia esimerkiksi persoonallisuushäiriöiden hoidossa. Siinä yhdistetään kognitiivisbehavioraalista terapiaa muihin käytössä vakiintuneisiin terapian muotoihin. Erityisen painon terapiassa saavat kokemuk[...]
Lawrence of Arabia's heroism during the Arab revolt and his disgust at the subsequent betrayal of the Arabs in the postwar negotiations have become the stuff of legend. But T. E. Lawrence s adventures in the Levant began long before the outbreak of war. This intimate biography is the first to focus [...]
The New York Times bestselling On Dublin Street series whisks readers away to Scotland for romance, passion, and drama. Now, three favorite novellas from the series are presented in one fabulous bundle:CASTLE HILLBraden Carmichael never imagined he'd fall as hard and as fast as he did for Jocelyn Bu[...]
"The relationship between food and development has always been controversial. Over the last 30 years, development in the north and south has failed to deliver people a decent diet. While some people have too little food and die as a consequence; some people have too much food and die from associate[...]
An intimate biography of the years that turned T. E. Lawrence into Lawrence of Arabia.Lawrence of Arabia's heroism during the Arab revolt and his disgust at the subsequent betrayal of the Arabs in the postwar negotiations have become the stuff of legend. But T. E. Lawrence's adventures in the Levant[...]
Designed to bring about lasting change in clients with personality disorders and other complex difficulties, schema therapy combines proven cognitive-behavioral techniques with elements of interpersonal, experiential, and psychodynamic therapies. This book, written by the model's developer and two [...]
"I before e (except after c)" teaches kids smart ways to remember all the things they learn about in school. The book is full of techniques and presents cool ways to remember a variety of facts on a variety of subjects.
Just like adults, kids need easy ways to recall stuff-especially now, when t[...]