This is a modernist classic translated for the twenty-first century. Between 1855 and his death in 1867, Charles Baudelaire inaugurated a new - and in his own words 'dangerous' - hybrid form in a series of prose poems known as "Paris Spleen". Important and provocative, these fifty poems may be regar[...]
A collection of fifty prose poems provided with accurate translation that conveys the lyricism and nuance of the original French text. It includes an introductory essay, explanatory notes, and a bibliography that show the development of Baudelaire's work over time. It also features a translation of[...]
This translation of Baudelaire's magnum opus, perhaps the most powerful and influential book of verse from the 19th century, won the American Book Award for Translation. And the honor was well-deserved, for this is one of Richard Howard's greatest efforts. It's all here: a timeless translation, the [...]
A stunning new translation of a neglected masterpiece by one of history's most celebrated writers.
Ten years before Baudelaire published his masterpiece, "The Flowers of Evil," the great poet penned the only prose fiction of his career: "La Fanfarlo." The novella describes the torrid real-life [...]
Among the earliest artistic accounts of the hallucinogenic experience in European literature, the four pieces in this volume document Gautier and Baudelaire's own involvement in the Club of Assassins, who met under the auspices of Dr Moreau to investigate the psychological and mind-enhancing effects[...]
Set in a modern, urban Paris, the prose pieces in this volume constitute a further exploration of the terrain Baudelaire had covered in his verse masterpiece, The Flowers of Evil: the city and its squalor and inequalities, the pressures of time and mortality, and the liberation provided by the sensu[...]
Walter Benjamin, one of the foremost cultural ommentators and theorists of the 20th century, is perhaps best known for his analyses of art in the modern age and the philosophy of history. Yet, it was through his study of the social and cultural history of late-19th-century Paris, examined particular[...]
Born in Paris, Charles Baudelaire (1821-1867) was a hugely influential poet, art critic and translator whose reputation has only increased in the twentieth century. Throughout his life Baudelaire was fascinated by both language, which he manipulated with consummate and innovative skill, and by the v[...]
Baudelaires (1821-67) bok "Petits Poemes en prose" ("Prosadikt") ble først trykt i sin helhet i 1869. Denne boken inneholder samtlige av forfatterens 50 prosadikt, og er basert på Robert Kopps utgave fra 1969. Her manes storbyens nervøse liv frem i kort tilhugne tekster: Undergangsfølelsen, angr[...]
Verdenslitteraturens mest berømte diktsamling Det ondes blomster (Les Fleurs du Mal) (1857; 1861; 1868) er den franske poeten Charles Baudelaires (1821-1867) hovedverk. Det er grensesprengende dikt som på samme tid utforsker den moderne virkelighet, ikke minst storbyens avgrunner, og metafysiske s[...]
Prosadigte som i surrealistisk symbolistisk form skildrer menneskelivet i dets mest hæslige og groteske afskygninger, livsleden og længslen efter skønhed, men samtidig hylder kærligheden og sensualiteten[...]
Ny oversættelse af de klassiske digte, og for første gang med de seks ""Fordømte Stykker"", som blev bortcensureret som anstødelige ved førsteudgivelsen i 1857[...]
Inklusive CD-skiva, där delar av texten är inläst.
Få diktsamlingar har haft så stor betydelse som Det ondas blommor (Les fleurs du mal), som första gången utgavs 1857, ett halvsekel före den lyriska modernismen som den föregriper och inspirerar. Baudelaires dikter handlar både om det eviga sökandet efter mening och om det som är specifikt [...]
Från första början blev Charles Baudelaire närmast besatt av Edgar Allan Poes verk. Han läste ?Den svarta katten? i februari 1847, då Poe hade två år kvar att leva, och ägnade sedan en stor del av sin tid åt att översätta sin amerikanske kollega. Ambitionen var att föra över allt denne[...]