Noe uhyggelig er inne på rommet til Jenny om natten mens hun sover.Jenny var kjempeglad da hun vant loddtrekningen om hvem som skulle få det største rommet. Rommet til tvillingbroren Jakob var langt fra så kult som hennes. Men det var før de skrekkelige hendelsene midt på natten. Det verste va[...]
Eskils barnevaktmarerittEskil skulle bare skremme lillebroren sin litt. Han hadde aldri forestilt seg at han skulle forsvinne. Bli helt borte. Men så blir kameraten til Eskil bitt til blods, og det går opp for dem at de ikke er alene i huset.Svingens mørke verden - serien for deg som liker nifse [...]
I forbindelse med Arne Rustes 70-årsdag utgis et bredt og rikt utvalg av hans dikt fra 1973 til 2012.Arne Ruste innehar en særegen plass i norsk poesi. Helt siden debuten i 1973 har han vært en utpreget sanselig, billedrik og, ikke minst, tilstedeværende poet. Diktene hans er umiddelbare og tilg[...]
Forfatterne inviterer i boka til debatt om oppdragelse og dannelse. De mener at blikket må løftes fra det nære og private og ut i et samfunn bestående av miljøproblemer, voksende sosiale og økonomiske forskjeller, kulturkonflikter og forvitring av felleskapsverdier. De legger fram en rekke eti[...]
Boken gir en bred introduksjon til forskningsmetode. Den er skrevet spesielt med tanke på studenter og forskere innenfor økonomiske og administrative fag, men kan også være nyttig for andre som skal gjennomføre undersøkelser, prosjekter eller utredninger. Både kvalitativ og kvantitativ fors[...]
Arne Johnsson läser ett särskilt urval av sina dikter. Förord av Magnus Ringgren. Dikterna är hämtade ur samlingarna:
Förvandlingar (1985) 1,2,3
Himmelsfärd (snart grönskar alla träd) (1986) 5, 6, 7
Ett paradis, trängt (1988) 11
Dess ande kysst (1992) 14, 16
Whether you want a wall or a pond, a new look for your lawn or an inventive way to pave your patio, Garden Design Details is packed with hundreds of images and ideas.With practical information about what materials and designs will work in harmony with your garden, this book will open your eyes to th[...]
"Manufacturing Planning and Control" is written by Patrik Jonsson and Stig-Arne Mattsson. It takes a comprehensive look at manufacturing planning and control from the manufacturing company's perspective but the focus is both on the intra-organisational system and on the supply chain as a whole. With[...]
Tracing China's course from the eighteenth-century Qing Dynasty to People's Republic, this title shows how the country's worldview has evolved. It explains how Chinese attitudes have been determined by both receptiveness and resistance to outside influence and presents the preoccupations that have s[...]
Two of Sweden's most powerful businessmen have been murdered. In the face of mounting panic amongst the financial elite, a task force has been created to catch the culprit before he kills again. To his surprise, Detective Paul Hjelm, currently under investigation for misconduct after shooting a man [...]
Detective Paul Hjelm and his team receive an urgent call from the FBI. A murderer whose methods bear a frightening resemblance to a serial killer they believed long dead is on his way to Sweden.[...]
J.M. Roberts's renowned History of the World is widely considered the finest available one-volume survey of the major events, developments, and personalities of the known past, offering generations of readers a tour of the vast landscape of human history.
In this new edition, Bancroft Prize-winn[...]
In this study, Rasmusson attempts to strengthen the current discourse in political theology by developing a critique of it that includes an innovative discussion of the relationship between church and society. He underpins this with an exposition of the thought and work of Jurgen Moltmann.[...]
In Perception, Empathy, and Judgment Arne Johan Vetlesen focuses on the indispensable role of emotion, especially the faculty of empathy, in morality. He contends that moral conduct is severely threatened once empathy is prevented from taking part in an interplay with cognitive faculties (such as a[...]
This text provides an invaluable introduction to the mathematical tools that undergraduate economists need. The coverage is comprehensive, ranging from elementary algebra to more advanced material, whilst focusing on all the core topics that are usually taught in undergraduate courses on mathematics[...]
This text provides an invaluable introduction to the mathematical tools that undergraduate economists need. The coverage is comprehensive, ranging from elementary algebra to more advanced material, whilst focusing on all the core topics that are usually taught in undergraduate courses on mathematic[...]
Nordic Exposures explores how Scandinavian whiteness and ethnicity functioned in classical Hollywood cinema between and during the two world wars. Scandinavian identities could seem mutable and constructed at moments, while at other times they were deployed as representatives of an essential, biolog[...]
The first novel in Arne Dahl's gripping Intercrime series--considered one of Sweden's best--"Misterioso" is a piercingly dark and absorbing detective thriller.
After dismantling a bloody hostage situation at a bank outside Stockholm, Detective Paul Hjelm is dropped into an elite task-force assem[...]
Sports now constitute one of the most valuable forms of broadcast entertainment in today's lucrative international market. This textbook explains the economics underlying the sports broadcasting phenomenon. The specific regulatory culture governing sports broadcasting means that the financial econom[...]
This is a book about structures that shows students how to "see" structures as integral to architecture, and how knowledge of structures is the basis for understanding both the mechanical and conceptual aspects inherent to the art of building. Analyzing the structural principles behind many of the b[...]
A study of the increasingly precarious relationship between humans and nature, this book seeks to go beyond work already contributed to the environmental movement. It does so by highlighting the importance of experiencing, rather than merely theorizing nature, while realizing that such experience is[...]
"Performance Psychology: A Practitioner's Guide" is a comprehensive, evidence-based text covering the key aspects of performance culture: performer development, preparation, training and execution. Written by a team of international contributors, including national coaches, training specialists, app[...]