Two lectures in Bologna: on 31 March 2011 at the International Conference to Mark the Centenary of Rudolf Steiner's Lecture in Bologna, and on 8 April 1911 at the Fourth International Philosophy Congress A special conference took place in Bologna in Spring 2011, marking the hundredth anniversary of [...]
Rudolf Steiner's third great lecture course to physicians has a completely different character to his previous presentations. Delivered in response to a group of young doctors - who approached Steiner with the specific request for a course that would be 'quite intimate', but should not contain any[...]
In this seminal work on a new art of speech, Rudolf and Marie Steiner demonstrate how the Word can truly be brought to life. From the authors' perspective, the audible sound of speech is only the end result of a much greater process that begins inwardly. In contrast to the belief that speaking is en[...]
Today, illness is almost universally regarded as either a nuisance or a grave misfortune. In contrast to this conventional thinking, Rudolf Steiner places the suffering caused by disease in a broad vista that includes an understanding of karma and personal metamorphosis. Illness comes to expression [...]
'An external view of states of health and sickness must be augmented by what we can also know about the inner, spiritual reality within the human being.' - Rudolf Steiner In a series of nine lectures to doctors, pharmacists and students, Rudolf Steiner presents a wealth of medical ideas with nume[...]
Den här grundläggande skriften av Rudolf Steiner rekommenderas som utgångspunkt för ett systematiskt studium av antroposofin. Den är verkligen en »introduktion«, för läsaren bjuds inte helt enkelt på resultaten av ett andligt skådande. Istället möter han en konsekvent tankemässig uppby[...]
Låt oss anta att någon försöker göra följande. Han betraktar en dag noga ett fenomen i sin omvärld, vilket han kan iaktta på noggrannast möjliga sätt, låt oss till exempel säga väderleken. Han iakttar molnbildningen på aftonen, hur solen går ned osv. och präglar noga in i sitt minne [...]
Tilllsammans med egoismen kom det onda in i världen. Detta måste ske därför att det goda inte kunde omfattas utan det onda. Genom människans seger över sig själv blev det möjligt för kärleken att utvecklas. Kristus skänkte den i egoismen nedsjunkande människan impulsen till denna själv�[...]
What do the festivals mean to us today?In this selection of thirty of Rudolf Steiner's most important lectures on the festivals, he identifies and illumines the true meaning behind Christmas, Easter, Ascension and Pentecost, and Michaelmas, emphasizing both their inner-spiritual and outer-cosmic asp[...]
Through clairvoyant vision, Rudolf Steiner confirms the existence of such spiritual beings and shows how modern minds can connect to their world. As he explains in these inspiring lectures, it is important for us to understand and cooperate with the work of the angels today as this is crucial for th[...]
Modern science can speak with authority regarding only a tiniest fraction of the earth's interior. We have, quite literally, scratched just the surface of our planet. Can we truly know what lies beneath our feet, in the unimaginably deep depths of the earth? Can the phenomenon of spiritual investiga[...]
'The Lord's Prayer' stands at the heart of Christianity. Over the past two millennia, it has been spoken millions of times by millions of people around the world. Rudolf Steiner affirms the power of this prayer, given by Jesus Christ himself, and encourages us to begin to understand it at deeper lev[...]
'Once one has passed through powerlessness and refinds oneself, one also finds Christ. Before we can gain access to the Christ Impulse, we must plumb the depths of our own feelings of insignificance, and this can only happen when we view our strengths and capacities without any pride.' How does one [...]
The so-called 'supplementary exercises' - to be carried out alongside the 'review exercises' and meditation - are integral to the path of personal development presented by Rudolf Steiner. Together they form a means of experiencing the spiritual realm in full consciousness. Meditation enlivens thinki[...]
'Our contemporaries - who wish to keep to a narrow-minded and superficial outlook, are annoyed to find that spiritual science continually seeks the whole picture - that it has to create a bridge between the body and the soul, and truly explores how the psyche becomes corporeal and the body becom[...]
'Essentially we do not really have the right to talk about normality or abnormality in a child's inner life, nor indeed in the inner life of human beings altogether...One does not gain much from such labelling, and the first thing to happen should be that the physician or the teacher rejects such an[...]
This book is an in-depth exploration of the curriculum of the first Waldorf school, expanding on the original 'Lehrplan'. Divided into sections, the book outlines Steiner's comments on schools and lessons in general, as well as many details on his thinking on specific issues ranging from different a[...]