The new psychological thriller from No 1 bestselling Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg. Detective Patrik Hedstrom and his colleagues at Tanumshede police station have had a quiet winter. But as the season turns the peace is shattered: a local woman is found dead, apparently a victim of a trag[...]
Rauhallisen talven jälkeen Tanumsheden poliisiasemalla alkaa jälleen tapahtua. Samana päivänä kuin Patrik Hedströmin uusi kollega Hanna Kruse aloittaa työt asemalla, tuntematon nainen kuolee auto-onnettomuudessa. Hän lemuaa voimakkaasti alkoholilta, ja tapaus aiotaan ohittaa rutiininomaisest[...]
Erica käy läpi edesmenneen äitinsä jäämistöä ja löytää vanhan natsien kunniamerkin. Miksi äidillä oli sellainen? Mitalin alkuperän selvittämiseksi hän vierailee seudun sotatuntijan, eläkkeellä olevan historianopettajan luona.
Kahden päivän päästä mies on kuollut. Ta[...]
Worldwide bestseller Camilla Lackberg weaves together another brilliant contemporary psychological thriller with the chilling struggle of a young woman facing the darkest chapter of Europe's past! Crime writer Erica Falck is shocked to discover a Nazi medal among her late mother's possessions. Haunt[...]
No. 1 international bestseller and Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg's new psychological thriller - irresistible for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo.[...]
No. 1 international bestseller and Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg's new psychological thriller - irresistible for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo. Mats Sverin was Fjallbacka's financial director on a regeneration project worth millions. When he is found murdered, Detective Patrik Hedstr[...]
No. 1 international bestseller and Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg's new psychological thriller featuring Detective Patrick Hedstrom and Erica Falck - irresistible for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo.[...]
The third psychological thriller from No 1 bestselling Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg. The remote resort of Fjallbacka has seen its share of tragedy, though perhaps none worse than that of the little girl found in a fisherman's net. But the post-mortem reveals that this is no case of accid[...]
The psychological thriller debut of No.1 bestselling Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg. Returning to her hometown after the funeral of her parents, writer Erica Falck finds a community on the brink of tragedy. The death of her childhood friend, Alex, is just the beginning. Her wrists slashed,[...]
The second psychological thriller from No 1 bestselling Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg. In the fishing community of Fjallbacka, life is remote, peaceful -- and for some, tragically short. Foul play was always suspected in the disappearance twenty years ago of two young holidaymakers in the[...]
No. 1 international bestseller and Swedish crime sensation Camilla Lackberg's new psychological thriller featuring Detective Patrick Hedstrom and Erica Falck - irresistible for fans of Stieg Larsson and Jo Nesbo.[...]
Den fjerde politiromanen fra idylliske Fjällbacka av suksessforfatteren Camilla Läckberg. Marit Kaspersen rørte aldri alkohol. Likevel har hun en promille på 6,1 da hun blir funnet død i bilen sin etter en utforkjøring. Hun har også noen uforklarlige blåmerker og rester av tape rundt munnen.[...]
Den tredje politiromanen fra idylliske Fjällbacka av suksessforfatteren Camilla Läckberg. En hummerfisker finner liket av ei lita jente i en av teinene sine. Politiet tror først at det dreier seg om et ulykkestilfelle. Men obduksjonen av syv år gamle Sara viser at hun har ferskvann i lungene. No[...]
Den andre politiromanen fra idylliske Fjällbacka av suksessforfatteren Camilla Läckberg. En liten gutt sniker seg en sommermorgen ut for å leke ridder i en kløft i Fjällbacka. Leken tar brått slutt da han får øye på en død kvinne. Begravet på stedet der kvinnen blir funnet, oppdager polit[...]
Den sjette boken i suksesserien om politimannen Patrik Hedström og forfatteren Erica Falck i Fjällbacka.
Magnus Kjellner, lykkelig gift og far til to, forsvinner sporløst i Fjällbacka. Tre måneder senere blir han funnet fastfrossen under isen, med merker etter vold. Det blir dessute[...]